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Dr. Gregory Neidert

ASU Preparing Future Professionals Program
Career Goal Setting Series

Graduate education needs to acknowledge and respond to the ever changing demands of the students and the marketplace. Not all graduate students will seek or find academic appointments after graduation. Therefore, those progressive institutions that provide venues for exploring options outside of academia truly serve their students. Our Graduate College is such an institution. It acknowledges this reality and offers our students a fantastic opportunity in the PFP seminars. Those individuals who take advantage of this program increase their career opportunities and potential for success, both inside and outside of academia.

I began working with Dean Bianca L. Bernstein and Program Coordinator Robin Lattin of the ASU Graduate College in Fall of 1999, by introducing the Career Goal Setting Series in the Preparing Future Professionals Program (PFP). The program and series are open to all graduate students, but are geared more toward Ph.D. candidates in their last two years of training. PFP recognizes that not all graduate students will find or want academic appointments after graduation. Therefore, the program provides venues for exploring options outside of academia through the Career Goal Setting Series. The series was recognized for excellence in 2003 by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.

For more information on the Career Goal Setting Series click on the following link: http://www.asu.edu/graduate/pfp/PFPchecklist.html

Or to apply for the Career Goal Setting Series, contact Isabel Ferrales at 480/965-8968 or isabel.ferrales@asu.edu.

For background on the origins and development of the Preparing Future Professionals Program click on the following link to see the 4 April 2000 press release: http://www.asu.edu/graduate/news_publications/News/2000/040400a.html