CNS Core: Small: Collaborative Research:
Cooperation and Competition in Payment Channel Networks: Routing, Pricing, and Network Formation

Reference #: CNS 2007083/2008935
Sponsor: NSF CNS Core Programs
PIs: Dejun Yang (2008935), Guoliang Xue (2007083)
Duration: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2023

Project Description:
Cooperation and Competition in Payment Channel Networks: Routing, Pricing, and Network Formation [Project Page]

The scalability of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum hinders their wide adoption. This is due to the massive resource consumption required by their underlying consensus mechanisms for guaranteeing the unique and synchronized global state. To address this scalability issue, Payment Channel Networks (PCNs) have been proposed to enable instant and inexpensive payments without requiring expensive and slow blockchain transactions. However, the concept of PCN is still at its infancy stage, and its fundamental understanding is still lacking. The goal of this project is to conduct a comprehensive study of PCNs from optimization, game theoretic, and economic perspectives, by providing an advanced suite of algorithms, theories, and mechanisms for routing, pricing, and network formation in PCNs. More specifically, this project will yield several advances: 1) Insightful understanding about PCNs; 2) Realistic models of PCNs considering both balance constraints and expiry constraints; 3) Advanced algorithms for routing a payment in PCNs subject to path-dependent constraints; 4) Rigorous analytical models of balance allocation when multiple payment paths compete for the available balance; 5) Scientific theories about the impact of the participants’ strategic behavior on the routing in PCNs and the formation of PCNs; 6) New economic approaches that provide guidelines on how to influence the participants in PCNs to make off-chain payments successful at the minimum cost.

This project is supported by NSF Award #2007083.