Selected Recent Publications by Guoliang Xue's Research Group
Venue is an indicator of the community's initial recognition of a publication.
Impact and advancement of science are the ultimate metrics for publications.
- Yinxin Wan, Kuai Xu, Feng Wang, Guoliang Xue;
IoTMosaic: Inferring User Activities from IoT Network Traffic in Smart Homes
Accepted for publication.
- Jing Chen, Kun He, Quan Yuan, Guoliang Xue, Ruiying Du, Lina Wang ;
Batch identification game model for invalid signatures in
wireless mobile networks
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC);
In press.
- Kun He, Jing Chen, Ruiying Du, Qianhong Wu, Guoliang Xue, Xiang Zhang;
DeyPoS: Deduplicatable dynamic proof of storage for
multi-user environments
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC);
In press.
- Jielong Xu, Jian Tang, Kevin Kwiat, Weiyi Zhang,
Guoliang Xue;
"Enhancing survivability in virtualized data centers: a service-aware
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC);
Special Issue on Networking Challenges on Cloud Computing Systems
and Applications;
In press.
- Dejun Yang, Guoliang Xue
Jin Zhang, Andrea Richa, and Xi Fang;
"Coping with a smart jammer in wireless networks: a Stackelberg game
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication (TWC);
Vol. 12 (2013), pp. 4038-4047.
- Dejun Yang, Xi Fang, and Guoliang Xue;
- Lingjun Li, Xinxin Zhao, and Guoliang Xue;
"Unobservable re-authentication for smartphones";
ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium;
February 24-27, 2013, San Diego, USA.
- Dejun Yang, Xi Fang, and Guoliang Xue;
"Truthful incentive mechanisms for K-anonymity location privacy";
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications;
April 14-19, 2013, Turin, Italy.
- Xinxin Zhao, Lingjun Li, and Guoliang Xue;
"Checking in without worries: location privacy in location based social networks";
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications;
April 14-19, 2013, Turin, Italy.
- Dejun Yang, Guoliang Xue, Xi Fang, and
Jian Tang;
"Crowdsourcing to smartphones: incentive mechanism design for mobile phone
ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking;
August 22-26, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Guoliang Xue,
Ravi Gottapu,
Xi Fang,
Dejun Yang,
Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman;
"A polynomial time algorithm for computing disjoint lightpath
pairs in minimum isolated failure immune WDM optical networks";
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON);
accepted for publication.
- Dejun Yang, Guoliang Xue, Xi Fang,
Satyajayant Misra, and Jin Zhang;
"A game theoretic approach to stable routing in max-min fair networks";
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON);
accepted for publication.
- Xi Fang, Dejun Yang, and
Guoliang Xue;
"MAP: Multi-constrained anypath routing in wireless mesh networks";
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC);
accepted for publication.
- Dejun Yang, Xi Fang, and Guoliang Xue;
"HERA: An optimal relay assignment scheme for cooperative networks";
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC);
Vol. 30 (2012), pp. 245-253.
- Xi Fang,
Satyajayant Misra,
Guoliang Xue, and
Dejun Yang;
"Smart Grid -- The New And Improved Power Grid: A Survey";
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST);
Vol. 14 (2012), pp. 944-980.