One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing
in first order logic.
One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing
in second order logic.
One to show the adequacy of FOL.
One to show the inadequacy of FOL.
One to show that lightbulb logic is non-monotonic.
One to show that it isn’t non-monotonic.
One to show how non-monotonic logic is incorporated
in FOL.
One to determine the bindings for the variables.
One to show the completeness of the solution.
One to show the consistency of the solution.
One to show that the two just above are incoherent.
One to hack a theorem prover for lightbulb resolution.
One to suggest a parallel theory of lightbulb logic
theorem proving.
One to show that the parallel theory isn’t complete.
One to indicate how it is a description of human
lightbulb changing behaviour.
One to call the electrician.
One to build a vision system to recognize the dead
One to build a vision system to locate a new bulb.
One to figure out how to grasp the lightbulb without
breaking it.
One to figure out how to make a universal joint
that will permit the hand to rotate 360+ degrees.
One to figure out how to make the universal joint
go the other way.
One to figure out the arm solutions that will get
the arm to the socket.
One to organize the construction teams.
One to hack the planning system.
One to get Westinghouse to sponsor the research.
One to indicate about how the robot mimics human
motor behavior in lightbulb changing.
One to bring up the chaos net.
One to order the Chinese food
One to adjust the microcode to properly reflect
the group’s political beliefs.
One to fix the compiler.
One to make incompatible changes to the primitives.
One to provide the Coke.
One to rehack the Lisp editor/debugger.
One to rehack the window package.
Another to fix the compiler.
One to convert code to the non-upward compatible
Lisp dialect.
Another to rehack the window package properly.
One to flame on BUG-LISPM.
Another to fix the microcode.
One to write the fifteen lines of code required
to change the lightbulb.