Goals: This course will introduce the state-of-art techniques of data mining. With the rapid advance of computer and internet technologies, a plethora of data accumulates. Data won't turn into knowledge no matter how long it is kept. If we can mind nuggets from data, this would add values and edges to what we are doing in science, engineering, business, medicine. Data mining is a process that finds the valuables among the mountains of data. We will review and examine the present techniques and the theories behind them and explore new and improved techniques for real world data mining applications. The arrangement of the course will encourage active discussion, creative thinking, and hands-on project development among the participants. A course project on some specific aspect of this emerging field will be required for each student to explore some in-depth issue(s). Related topics on image mining, sequence mining may also be covered.
This course consists of the presentations from the instructor and the participating students.
Course Line Number: (main) 53092 Credit Hours: Three
Class Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:15AM - 10:30APM Classroom: SCOB 105
Instructor: Dr. Huan Liu Course Plan
Telephone: (480) 727-7349 Email: hliu@asu.edu
Office Location Hours: GWC 342, T 10:30 - 11:30am, Th 4:00-5:00pm, or by appointment
Prerequisite: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CSE471 or CSE598) or Introduction to Database Management Systems (CSE412), or Basic Probability Theory and Statistics, some system development experience related to data engineering and handling, or consent from the instructor.
Project: Students will perform individual course projects (either research or development type) with approval of the instructor. The evaluation of the project consists of project presentation and/or demonstration and a written report.
Textbook: There will also be research papers and reference
books (to be available soon on-line).
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques
Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber
Morgan Kaufmman Publishers, 2000
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and
Techniques with JAVA
Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank
Morgan Kaufmman Publishers, 2000
Principles of Data Mining
David Hand, Heikki Mannila, and Padhraic Smyth
MIT 2001
Evaluation Methods (tentative): Class participation - 10%, Project Proposal, Progress Report, Presentation & discussion - 40% (15%[proposal, progress report, presentation] + 25%[final report and demo]), Exams or quizes- 50%.
Drafted on Dec. 16, 2002.
Last updated on Mar. 20, 2002.