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PUBLICATIONS Books Lussier, Mark. Romantic Dharma: The Emergence of Buddhism into Nineteenth-Century Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 Lussier, Mark & Bruce Matsunaga, Engaged Romanticism: Romanticism as Praxis. Newcastle-on Thames: Camrbidge Scholars Press, 2008. Lussier, Mark. Romantic Dynamics: A Poetics of Physicality. London : Macmillan/ New York : St. Martin Press, 1999. Reviewed in Romantic Circles (Summer 2001) and The Wordsworth Circle 31.4 (Winter 2001). --- and S. K. Heninger, Jr,, eds. Perspective as a Problem in the Art, History, and Literature of Early Modern England. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. Essay Collections/Special Issues of Journals Lussier, Mark. Ed. "Romanticism and Buddhism," Special Issue, Romantic Circles Praxis. Poetry by Norman Dubie, and essays by the editor, Louise Economides, Timothy Morton, John Rudy, and Dennis McCort. (forthcoming 2006) Hogle, Jerrold, Mark Lussier and Bryan Short, eds. Romanticism and Physicality, Special Issue, The Wordsworth Circle 33.1 (Winter 2002): 1-56. Essays by Robert Anderson, Jenna Bergman, Neil Fraistat, Timothy Fulford, Greg Kucich, James McGavran, Nancy Goslee Moore, Timothy Morton, Michelle Turner, Karen Weisman. ---, eds. Romanticism and the Physical, Special Issue, European Romantic Review 12.2 (Spring 2002): 151-245. Essays by David M. Baulch, Anna Vaughn Clissold, Don Kelly Coble, Michael Gamer, Robert Kaufman, Jeanne Moskal, Melynda Nuss, Kate Rigby, and Clifford Siskin. Lussier, Mark and P. A. McCormack, eds. Feminist Literary Criticism: Theory and Politics . Special Issue, New Orleans Review 13.4 (1986): 40-84. Interviews with Jane Gallop, Carolyn Heilbrun, Annette Kolodny, and Catharine Stimpson. ---, ed. Reading Blake/Blake Reading . Special Issue, New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 1-50. Essays by Diana Hume George, Nelson Hilton, Mark Lussier, Dan Miller and Joseph Riehl. Refereed Articles and Book Chapters Lussier, Mark. “Blake, Deleuze, and the Emergence Of Ecological Consciousness.” Ecological Theory: New European Approaches to Ecocriticism, Goodbody, Axel and Kate Rigby, Eds. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P (forthcoming 2009). ---. “Scientific Objects and Blake’s Objections to Science.” The Wordsworth Circle 34.3 (Summer 2008), 120-3. ---. “Inner Revolution/Self-Annihilation: Blake’s Milton, Buddhism, and Ecocriticism.” Special Issue: Literature and Religion 40.1 (Spring 2008): 39-57. ---. “Blake Beyond Postmodernity,” 151-63 in William Blake and the Popular, Clark, Steven, Shirley Dent, and Jason Whitaker, Eds. London: Palgrave International, 2007. ---. "Enlightenment East and West, or An Introduction to Romanticism and Buddhism." Special Issue, Romantic Circles Praxis (forthcoming 2006). ---. “Colonial Counterflow: From Orientalism to Buddhism.” Interrogating Orientalism(s): Theories and Practices . Diane Long Hoeveler and Jeffrey Cass, Eds. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2006. 135-62.. ---. “Blake and Science Studies.” The Palgrave Guide to William Blake . Williams, Nicholas, Ed. London: Palgrave International, 2006. 186-213. ---. “Shelley's Poetics, Wave Dynamics, and the Telling Rhythm of Complementarity,” The Wordsworth Circle 34.1 (S pring, 2003): 91-94 . ---. “‘Rest Before Labour’: The Pre-Text/s of Blake’s The Four Zoas,” Special Issue: “Labor and Leisure in Romanticism,” Robert Anderson, ed. Romanticism-on-the-Net 25 (Spring 2003). http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat0385/ ---. “‘All the gazing world’: Società Spettacolo as Geopolitical Aesthetics in Venice Preserv’d and The Cenci,” Italian Culture 28.1 (Fall 2000): 17-46. ---. “Wave Dynamics as Primary Ecology in Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound” Romanticism on the Net 16.6 (Fall1999). http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat0385/physics.html ---. "The Rime of Physics," The Wordsworth Circle 29.1 (Winter 1998): 84-8. ---. "Blake's Deep Ecology," Studies in Romanticism, Special Issue on "Green Romanticism," Jonathan Bate, ed. 35.3 (Fall 1996): 393-408. ---. "Blake Reading/Reading Blake," Southern Humanities Review 30.2 (Spring 1996): 101-21. [cover essay] ---. "Eternal Dictates: The `Other' of Blakean Inspiration." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era II (1996): 99-112. ---. "Blake's Vortex: The Quantum Tunnel in Milton," Nineteenth-Century Contexts 18.3 (Fall 1994): 263-91. ---. “‘Marrying that Hated Object': The Carnival of Desire in Behn's The Rover," Chapter 11 in Privileging Gender in Early Modern England, Jean R. Brink, Ed. Sixteenth-Century Essays and Studies, Volume XVI (Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson UP, 1993): 195 - 209. ---. “‘The Vile Merchandize of Fortune': Women, Economy, and Desire in Aphra Behn" Women's Studies 18 (1990): 379-393. ---. “The Contra-Diction of Design: Blake's Illustrations for Gray's ‘Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat,’” Visible Language 23.2/3 (1989): 205-219. ---. “‘Vortext’ as Philosopher's Stone: Blake's Textual Mirrors and the Transmutation of Audience," New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 40-50. ---. "Tracking the Surreal: The Works of Georges Febres," New Orleans Review 12.4 (1985): 38-52. ---. "On the Margins of Tradition: Blake and the Royal Academy," Arts Quarterly 5.3 (1983): 12-24. --- and McCormack, P. A. "Structure in Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers," RE: Arts & Letters 10.1 (1983): 13-22. Introductions and Encyclopedia Entries Lussier, Mark. “Foreword,” Romanticism and Zen Buddhism: Disciplines in Meditative Spirituality . Lewiston : The Edwin Mellen P, 2004, i-xi. Hogle, Jerrold, Mark Lussier and Bryan Short, “Romanticism and Physicality: An Introduction,” Romanticism and Physicality, Special Issue, The Wordsworth Circle 33.1 (Winter 2002): 1-2. Hogle, Jerrold, Mark Lussier and Bryan Short, “Romanticism and the Physical: An Introduction,” Romanticism and the Physical, Special Issue, European Romantic Review 12.2 (Spring 2002): 151-3. Lussier, Mark. "The Romantic Imagination," "The Anxiety of Influence," and "Prophecy and Apocalypse," Encyclopedia of Romanticism: Culture in Britain, 1780s-1830s. Laura Dabundo, ed. (New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992): 278-280, 285-287, and 472-474. --- and McCormack, P. A. “Introduction,” Feminist Literary Criticism: Theory and Politics . Special Issue, New Orleans Review 13.4 (1986): 40-1. ---. “Introduction,” Blake Reading/Reading Blake, Special Issue, New Orleans Review 13.3 (1986): 1-2. Review Essays Lussier, Mark. Saree Makdisi, William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s . Chicago : U of Chicago P, 2003, and John B. Pierce, The Wond'rous Art: William Blake and Writing . Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson UP/London Associated UP, 2003. European Romantic Review (forthcoming [Winter 2005]). ---. Sheila Spector, “Wonders Divine”: The Development of Blake's Kabbalistic Myth and “Glorious Incomprehensible”: The Development of Blake's Kabbalistic Language . Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2001. Romantic Circles (on-line [Fall 2004]). ---. Tristanne J. Connolly, William Blake and the Body . London : Palgrave, 2002; Shirley Dent and Jason Whittaker, Radical Blake: Influence and Afterlife from 1827 . London : Palgrave, 2002; Alexander S. Gourlay, ed. Prophetic Character: Essays on William Blake in Honor of John E. Grant . West Cornwall : Locust Hill Press, 2002, and Peter Otto, Blake's Critique of Transcendence: Love, Jealousy, and The Sublime in The Four Zoas. Oxford : Oxford UP, 2000. The Wordsworth Circle (forthcoming [Fall 2004]). Lussier, Mark. Jonathan Bate, The Song of the Earth. Boston: Harvard UP, 2000; James McKusick, Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. The Wordsworth Circle 31.4 (Winter 2001): 97-101. ---. Jonathan Smith, Fact and Feeling: Baconian Science and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1994. R. H. Stevenson, Goethe's Conception of Knowledge and Science. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1995. Laura Walls, Seeing New Worlds: Henry David Thoreau and Nineteenth-Century Natural Science. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1995. The Wordsworth Circle 27.4 (Autumn 1996): 229-32. ---. Charles D. Minahen, Vortex/t: The Poetics of Turbulence. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State UP, 1992. Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly 28.3 (Winter 1994/95): 103-110. Reviews Lussier, Mark. Herbert J. Batt, Ed./Tr. Tales of Tibet: Sky Burials, Prayer Wheels, and Wind Horses. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2001. World Literature Today (forthcoming, Spring 2003). ---. G. E. Bentley, Jr. The Stranger from Paradise: A Biography of William Blake. New Haven: Yale UP, 2000. The Wordsworth Circle 32.4 (Fall 2001). ---. Martin Priestman, Romantic Atheism: Poetry and Freethought, 1780-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. Romantic Circles Reviews 5.3 (2002): 9 pars. XX Aug 2002. (http://www.rc.umd.edu/reviews/priestman/html) ---. Brad Sullivan, Wordsworth and the Composition of Knowledge. New York: Lang, 2000. Romanticism on the Net 22 (Fall 2001). http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat0385/22sullivan.html ---. John Rudy, Wordsworth and the Zen Mind: The Poetry of Self-Emptying, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. Romantic Circles (Fall 1998). http://www.rc.umd.edu/reviews/rudy.html ---. Jessica Munns, Restoration Politics and Drama, Cranbury, NJ: University of Delaware Press, 1995. Seventeenth-Century News 46.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1998): 74-8. ---. Thomas Jemiliety, Satire and the Hebrew Prophets. Louisville: Westminster/Knox Press, 1992. 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries of the Early Modern Age 3 (Fall 1997): 377-80. ---. Philip Kuberski, Chaosmos: Literature, Science, and Theory. Albany, NY: SUNY, 1994. Southern Humanities Review 30.4 (Fall 1996): 382-5. ---. N. H. Neeble, ed. John Bunyan: Conventicle and Parnassus, Tercentenary Essays. Vol. XII. London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Seventeenth Century News, 49.1/2 (1991): 13-14. ---. A. Leigh Deneef. Traherne in Dialogue: Heidegger, Lacan, Derrida. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1988. South Central Review 7.2 (1990): 78-81. ---. Owen C. Watkins, ed. John Bunyan: Miscellaneous Works, Vol. X. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Seventeenth Century News 48.1/2 (1990): 7-8. Non-Academic Publications Lussier, Mark. “Romanticism and the Physical: 2000 NASSR Conference Report,” NASSR Newsletter 9.2 (October 2000): 1-2. ---. "The Visual Text: Defining and Funding a Film & Video Program," Federation Reports 6.1 (1985): 12-24. ---. "Word/Play/Video: The Junebug Project," The Independent (December 1985): 18-20. [cover story] CONFERENCES PAPERS, PLENARIES & PUBLIC ADDRESSES Academic Conferences Lussier, Mark. “The Romantic Construction of Buddhism.” The North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Toronto, 2008. ---. “Alexander Csoma de Körös: The Bodhisattva of Romanticism.” The North American Society for the Study of Romanticism/Center for Romantic Studies, Bologna, Italy 2008 ---. “The Romantic Book of Living and Dying: A Revaluation of Byronic Romanticism.” The Pacific Modern Language Association, Portland, OR, 2007 ---. “Poetic Rhythm and Neurophysiology, or Fields of Force in Romantic Poetics,” Nature Matters, Toronto, Canada 2007 ---. “Scientific Objects and Blake’s Objections to Science,” International Conference on Romanticism, Baltimore, MD, 2007 ---. “Blakean Enlightenment, or The Ethos of Self-Annihilation.” The Joint North American Society for the Study of Romanticism/British Association for Romantic Studies, Bristol, UK, 2007. ---. “The Geophysical Poetics of Suffering in Shelley's ‘Euganean Hills',” American Association of Teachers of Italian , Tempe , 2004. ---. “Romantic GUTs, Romantic TOEs, or The Physical Foundation of Romantic Consciousness,” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism , Boulder , 2004. ---. “The Four Noble Truths of Romanticism and Buddhism,” International Conference on Romanticism . Milwaukee , WI , 2003. ---. “The Emergence of Tibetan Buddhism in Nineteenth-Century Europe,” Romantic Spaces: The 11th Annual NASSR Conference, New York, 2003. ---. “ European Romanticism and the Rise of Tibetan Buddhism,” The Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, London, UK, 2003. ---. “Shelley’s Poetics, Wave Dynamics, and the Telling Rhythm of Complementarity,” Wordsworth-Coleridge Association, Modern Language Association, New York, 2002. ---. “Physical Theory and Literary Criticism: The Case of English Romanticism,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002. ---. “Blake Beyond Postmodernity,” Blake and Popular Culture, St. Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, UK, 2002. ---. “Colonial Counter-Flow II: From Romanticism to Buddhism,” Romantic Orientalism, University of Wales, Wales, UK, 2002. ---. “Colonial Counter-Flow I: Textual Intrusions from the East,” Romantic Subjects: The 9th Annual NASSR Conference, Seattle, WA, 2001. ---. “Unveiling the Phallus, or The Visual Field in Blake’s Four Zoas,” American Conference on Romanticism, Bloomington, IN, 1999. ---. "Resisting Critical Erasure, or Blake Beyond Postmodernity," Modern Language Association, Wordsworth-Coleridge Association, San Francisco, CA, 1998. ---. "At the Horizons of Pleasure, or Jouissance in Blake's The Four Zoas," South Central Modern Language Association, New Orleans, LA, 1998. ---. "Chaos, Gaia, Eros: Ecologies of Mind in Prometheus Unbound," American Conference on Romanticism, Santa Barbara, CA, 1998. ---. "William Blake in 1798," joint North American Society for the Study of Romanticism/British Association for Romantic Studies conference, Strawberry Hill, England, 1998. ---. "The Rime of Physics," Twenty-Seventh Grasmere Conference, Dove Cottage, Grasmere, England, 1997. ---. "Blake's Deep Ecology," North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Boston, MA, 1996. ---. "Historicizing Hysteria: Gender and Temporality in Shelley's The Cenci," South Central Modern Language Association, San Antonio, TX 1996. ---. "Signifying Nature in Blake's Thel," Northeast Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1995. ---. "Romantic Relativities, or a Prelude to Physical Criticism," North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Baltimore, MD 1995. ---. "Engendering Science, or A Brief History of Blakean Time & Space," South Central Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Houston, TX, 1994. ---. "Restoration Literary Economies of Desire," Western Conference on British Studies, Albuquerque, NM, 1993. ---. "The Hammer Against Gammer," Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, Flagstaff, AZ, 1993. ---. "Behn's Carnival of Desire in The Rover," South Central Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Baton Rouge, LA, 1993. ---. "Eternal Dictates: The `Other' of Blakean Inspiration," Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Stony Brook, NY, 1992. ---. "Blake's Vortex: The Black Hole at the Heart of Milton," Modern Language Association, San Francisco, CA, 1991. ---. "God's Analyst: Traherne's Centuries of Meditation," South Central Renaissance Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1991. ---. "The Drama of Feminine Desire: Blake's Illustrations for Thomas Gray," Modern Language Association, Washington, DC, 1989. ---. "Beyond the Mirror: A Speculative Re-Visioning of Traherne's Poetry and Prose," Rocky Mountain Medieval & Renaissance Association, Grand Canyon, AZ, 1989. ---. "Vortex and Mirror: Yeats, Lacan, A Vision," South Central Modern Language Association, Arlington, TX, 1988. Panel: Anglo-Irish Literature. ---. "The Epic-ology of Man: Blake's The Four Zoas," Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Las Cruces, NM, 1988. ---. "Unconscious Design: Blake's Illustrations for Gray's `Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat,'" Lacan, Language, and Literature, Kent OH, 1988. ---. "Blake's Marriage, Whitman's `Song' and the Strains of Prophecy," South Central Modern Language Association, Biloxi, MS, 1984. --- and McCormack, P. A. “‘Alien’ and Nostromo: Economics and Human Value on the Frontier," Popular Culture Association, Wichita, KS, 1983. ---. "Blake's Marriage and Transformational Prophetics," Christianity and Literature, New Orleans, LA 1983. ---. "Structure in Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers." Conference on Narrative Technique, Ypsilant, MI, 1981. Plenary Lectures & Public AddressesLussier, Mark. "‘Shadows of Prophecy’, or John Milton and English Romanticism.” (A)Wake for John Milton, Department Colloquium, Arizona State University, 2008 ---. “Self-Annihilation/Inner Revolution: Blake, Buddhism, and Ecocriticism.” Department Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, 2007 ---. “Romanticism and Buddhism: Historical and Textual Encounters,” Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ 2007 ---. “Romanticism and The Flowering of the Dharma in Nineteenth Century Europe.” Department of English, University of Melbourne, 2007 ---. “Blake, Lacan, and the Critique of Culture.” Post-Structuralism Seminar Series, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2007 ---. “Engaged Romanticism: Romanticism as Praxis,” Welcoming Address, The 13th International Conference on Romanticism, Tempe, AZ, 2006 ---. “Colonial Counterflows: Orientalism, Romanticism, and the Emergence of Buddhism in Nineteenth Century Europe,” Plenary Address, Buddhism and Orientalism, Toronto, Canada, 2006 ---. "Engaged Romanticism," Romanticism: The Future of the Field. Boulder, University of Colorado, 2006. ---. "'The Most Sublime Act': Romantic Ethics in a Material Age," Graduation Address, Department of English, Arizona State University, 2005. ---. “Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, and the Ethics of Enlightenment,” Lecture One, Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature, Burton Barr Phoenix Public Library, April 2003. ---. “Resisting Critical Erasure, or Blake Beyond Postmodernity,” English Department Colloquium, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 2000. [webcast available via department website] ---. “The Contra-Diction of Design II, or Blake’s Designs for Dante’s Inferno,” Scuola di Dante Alighieri, Florence, Italy, 2000. ---. “The Geopolitical Gaze in Venice Preserv’d and The Cenci,” Lecture Four, 1650-1850: Beyond Synchronicity, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2000. ---. "Methodic Sadism, Symbolic Misogyny: Romantic Responses to Science as Ideology," Lecture Two, Science and Sexualities, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 1997 ---. "Romantic Poetry and the ‘New’ Physics," Lecture Two, Romanticism and the ‘New’ Sciences, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, 1996 ---. "The Dynamics of Space in Italian Painting," Lecture Five, Reading the Renaissance, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ, 1991 ---. "Women, Economy, and Desire in Two Plays by Aphra Behn," The Woman Question, 1590-1690, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 1990 ---. “‘ond nu oþer cwom’: A Lacanian Reading of Beowulf," ACMRS Lecture series, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 1989 ---. "Blake's Satiric Vision," Lecture Three, William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 1988 COURSES TAUGHT Arizona State University English 200, Critical Reading & Writing about Literature (Su95, Sp97) English 221: Survey of English Literature I (F94, Su95, Su96, F97, F03) English 222: Survey of English Literature II (Sp94, Sp97, F98, Sp03, Sp04) English 303: Italian Culture & English Tradition (Su00) English 355: Italy & English Drama: Renaissance to Romanticism (Su99, F02) English 400: Critical Theory & Technology (Sp03) English 400/425/545: Critical Theory & Romantic Poetics: Blake & Shelley (F99) English 400/425: Romantic Literature & The Critical Tradition: Blake in Context (F01) English 425/545: English Romantic Literature (F95, Su96, F96, F98, F02, S04) English 494: Italy & the English Romantic Imagination (Su98, Su01, Su02, Su03) English 494/469: Literature & Science (Sp00) English 498/545: From Restoration to Romantic (Sp94) English 499: Shelley’s Masterworks (F02) English 499: William Blake: The Major Texts (Sp03) English 499: Sir Walter Scott & the Oral Tradition (Su95) English 500: Research Methods (F95, Sp97) English 545: English Romanticism (F96) English 590: Shelley’s Long Poems (Sp01) English 590: Aphra Behn (Sp95) English 591: Romanticism & Materiality (F00) English 591: Romantic Poetry & Contemporary Criticism (F94) English 591: English & American Romanticism (Sp96, F03) English 591: Blake Illuminated Prophecies & Contemporary Critical Theory (F97) Western Illinois University General Honors 101: The Satiric Imagination: Literature, Drama, Art, and Film English 190: Film & Literature: Translation and Its Discontents English 195: Introduction to Literature English 210: Survey of English Literature I (pre-1800) English 316: Restoration & 18th-Century British Literature English 328: History of English Drama (pre-1800) English 400G: English & American Romanticism English 409: An Archaeology of Restoration Literature English 409: English Dramatic Forms English 500: Introduction to Graduate Studies (Bibliography) English 520: Restoration/18th-Century British Literature English 529: History of English Drama (pre-1800) English 599: Mind & Matter in Blake, Wordsworth, and Coleridge English 599: Women Writers/Female Characters in Science Fiction English 599: Ossianic Literature and Romantic Music Texas A&M University English 101: Freshman Composition (the Essay) English 102: Freshman Composition (the Research Paper) English 101/History 102: Interdisciplinary Composition Tulane University English 101: Introduction to Literature Louisiana State University English 101: Freshman Composition Loyola University (New Orleans) English 101: Freshman Composition UNIVERSITY SERVICE Arizona State University University & College Academic Senate, 1995-8 Executive Committee, 1996-7 Student/Faculty Policy Committee, 1995-8 (Chair = 1996-7) Ad-Hoc of SFPC, Student Evaluation Program, 1996 (Chair) Advisory Committee, Preparing Future Faculty, The Graduate College, 1998-2001 Ad-Hoc Committee, CLAS Requirements, 1995-7 Humanities & Fine Arts Sub-Committee, 1995-7 Ad-Hoc Committee, CLAS Requirements Implementation, 1998 Humanities & Fine Arts Sub-Committee, 1998 (Chair) College Requirements Committee, 1999-present (Chair =2002-present) CLAS Senate, 1995-8 General Studies Council, 1998-2001 Humanities & Fine Arts Subcommittee (Chair = 2000-01) Host Family, International Studies Program, 1995-7 Master of Ceremonies, CLAS Honors Convocation, Fall 1999 Master of Ceremonies, CLAS Honors Convocation, Spring 2000 NCA Accreditation Committee, 2001-present Search Committee, Assistant to the Provost, 1998 University Standards Committee, 1996-2000 (Chair = 1997-2000) Department Administrative Committee, 1995-2000, 2003-present Awards Committee, 1997-2002 Chair, Graduate Awards Sub-Committee, 1997-2000 Creative Writing Workshop: “The Art of Research,” 2003 Curriculum Committee, 1994-5 EGSA Workshops, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 Executive Grants Committee, 1995-8 Graduate Committee, 1997-present (Chair = 1997-2000) Literature Committee, 1996-present Survey Sub-Committee, 1997 Interview Team, Critical Theory Search, Modern Language Association, 2001 MA Comparative Literature Admissions Committee, 1998-2000 MA Literature Committee, 1997-2000 (Chair = 1999) M.A. Admissions, 1994-2000 (Chair = 1999) PhD Committee, 1995-present PhD Literature Committee, 1995-present Ph. D. Admissions Committee, 1997-present (Chair = 2000, 2002) Search Committee for Chair, 1999 (Chair) Search Committee for 19th C/Victorian, 1995 Search Committee for 17th Century/Non Dramatic, 1994Search Committee for Renaissance Drama, 1994 TA Summer Teaching Selection Committee, 1999 (Chair) Western Illinois University University, College, and Department Academic Computing Committee, 1993-94 Ad Hoc Committee, General Education, 1992 Ad Hoc Committee, Revision of Review Criteria, 1992 College of Arts & Sciences, Grade Appeals Committee, 1991-92 Curriculum Committee, 1992-94 (Chair) English Department Council, 1994 Grade Appeals Committee, 1991-2 Grader, University Writing Examination, 1992-94 Graduate and International Studies, Host Family Program, 1991-93 Graduate Studies Committee, 1992-92 (Chair = 1993-4) Tuition Waivers & Grants Committee, 1993-94 University Graduate Council, 1993-94 Ad-Hoc By-Laws Revision, 1993-94 University Grade Appeals Committee, 1993-94SELECTED GRANTS (funded) InternalPrincipal Investigator, “English 400: Critical Theory & Technology,” Quality of Instruction Grant Program, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 2002 ($3,150) Principal Investigator, “The Department of English & the Graduate College: A Partnership Proposal,” The Graduate College, Arizona State University, 1999 ($9,700+) Principal Investigator, "Enhancing Minority Representation in Doctoral Programs," Graduate College, Arizona State University, 1997 ($9,978) Principal Investigator, "Preparing for PRISM@asu," College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 1996 ($20,045) External Principal Investigator, "Romanticism and the ‘New’ Sciences," lectures by Jonathan Bate (U of Liverpool) and Mark Lussier (ASU), Arizona State University, Arizona Humanities Council, 1996 ($1800+) Project Administrator, "Maps and the Columbian Encounter: Exhibition and Public Programs," Arizona State University, Arizona Humanities Council, 1991 ($20,466) Project Administrator, "Cervantes' Don Quixote: A Summer Institute," Arizona State University, Division of Research, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1989 ($192,157) Principal Investigator, "William Wordsworth & English Romanticism," Texas Committee for the Humanities, 1988 ($10,150) Principal Investigator, Media Grant (Institution), National Endowment for the Arts, Contemporary Arts Center ($10,000 per annum [1985, 1986]) Fiscal Officer, "Readings in American Themes," Exemplary Program Award, National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of State Programs, January-December, 1983 ($25,000) Administrative & Fiscal Officer, "Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities: A Proposal to Continue a Statewide Humanities Program," National Endowment for the Humanities, 1982-85 ($350,000 + $100,00 matching funds) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (Conferences) Advisory Board, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, 2006-2008. Director, International Conference on Romanticism, Tempe, AZ 2006. Proposal Evaluator, 11th Annual North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, New York, NY, 2003. Chair and Organizer, “Self and Subject: Romanticism and Buddhism,” 9th Annual North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Seattle, WA, 2001. Co-Director (with Jerrold Hogle [UA] and Bryan Short [NAU]) and Local Arrangements Coordinator, Romanticism and the Physical, The Eighth Annual North American Society for the Study of Romanticism conference, Tempe, AZ, 2000. Chair, “Blake II: The Physical Force of Language,” Romanticism and the Physical, The 8th Annual North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Tempe, AZ, 2000. Moderator, “Debate/Discussion on First-Year Writing Requirements,” Western States Composition Conference, Tempe, AZ, 1999 Chair, "Ecological Strains in Romantic Studies," American Conference on Romanticism, Santa Barbara, CA, 1998. Respondent, "Sex & Politics: Policing and Containing Subversive Desire in the Literature of the 18th, 19th, & 20th Centuries," Western Conference on British Studies, Houston, TX 1995. Chair, "Beyond the Animal Mind II," Northeast Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Ottawa, Canada 1995 Chair, "Apocalypse Then and Now," Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means, College Station, TX, 1994. Chair, "Delineations of Expansivity: Sublimities, Emblematries, Narrativities, and Bunyans," South Central Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Baton Rouge, LA, 1993. Chair & Respondent, "Text and Image in Blake Illuminated Prophecies," Textual Technologies: Text, Image, and History, College Station, TX, 1992. Chair, "Abuses of Theory," Midwest American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Kansas City, KS, 1991 Secretary, "Nineteenth-Century British Literature," South Central Modern Language Association, Ft. Worth, TX, 1991 Chair and Secretary, "Anglo-Irish Literature." South Central Modern Language Association, New Orleans, LA, 1989-90 Moderator, "Independent Feature Film-Making in America," International Society for Cinematic Studies, New Orleans, LA, 1986 HONORS & AWARDS Recipient, Excellence in Teaching Award (Humanities), College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 2005. Recipient, Alumni Association Award for Excellence (Service), Arizona State University, 2004. Nominee, ASASU Centennial Professorship, Arizona State University, 2002-3 Nominee, Alumni Association Award for Excellence (Service), Arizona State University, 2001-2 Nominee, Outstanding Doctoral Mentor Award, The Graduate College, Arizona State University, 2001-2 Nominee, Alumni Association Award for Excellence (Service), Arizona State University, 2000-1 Mentor Award, “Preparing Future Faculty Program,” The Graduate College, Arizona State University, 1999-2000 Nominee, Excellence in Advising Award, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 1998-99 Mentor Award, “Preparing Future Faculty Program,” The Graduate College, Arizona State University, 1998-9 Conference Travel Grant, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 1998 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award (Literature), Graduate Scholars of English Association, Department of English, Arizona State University, 1996-7. (Nominated = 1995-6, 1997-8) President's Service Award, Academic Senate, Arizona State University, 1996-7 Academic Excellence Award, The Devil's Advocates, Arizona State University, 1996-7 Excellence in Teaching Nomination, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 1995-6, 1996-7, 1998-9. International Travel Award, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Arizona State University, 1995 NEH Summer Seminar, Harvard University, "Rousseau and Blake: Inventing the Modern Self," 1993 Professional Travel Award, Western Illinois University, 1991, 1992, 1993 Summer Research Stipend, Western Illinois University Foundation, 1992 Distinguished Doctoral Candidate Award, Alumni Association, Texas A&M University, 1990 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Research Incentive Award, Texas A&M University, 1988 Staley H. Creswell Teaching Award, Texas A&M University, 1982 Outstanding Undergraduate English Major, University of St. Thomas, 1979 Outstanding Field Member, Lahav Research Project in Biblical Archaeology, Negev, Israel, 1978 Athletic Scholarship (Football), Texas Tech University, 1970-71 COMMUNITY SERVICE Volunteer and Volunteer Coordinator, The English Cemetery Project, Florence, Italy, 2002-present. Hospice Volunteer, Arizona Hospice, Phoenix, AZ. 2004-05. Organizer, “East Meets West I: An Evening with Norman Dubie and Zachoeje Rinpoche,” Emaho Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002. Board Member, Emaho Foundation for the Preservation of Tibetan Culture, Scottsdale, AZ, 2001-present. Acting Executive Director, Bodhi Heart Center for Buddhist Studies, Scottsdale, AZ, 2000-1. Organizer, “The Psychology of Enlightenment: A Lecture by Zachoeje Rinpoche,” Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, November 1999 Volunteer, Bodhi Heart Center for Buddhist Studies, Phoenix, AZ, 1997-2000. Facilitator, Intern & Student Work Programs, The ASU School of Nursing & Las Fuentes Medical Clinic, Guadalupe, AZ, 1998-99
Volunteer, Cardiac Care Clinic, Las Fuentes Medical Clinic, Guadalupe, AZ, 1997-9
Last Updated 18-oct-11 |