The Breakfast Club
An Affiliate of
The Knife & Fork
Breakfast Club Visits Prescott & Susie’s Skyway Cafe
14 August 2010
by Warren McIlvoy
The Breakfast Club has not been to Prescott,
Arizona in a couple of years but since it fit the profile of being a short flight
in order to “beat the heat”, the event committee felt the time was right to
make an encore visit. Add to that the prospect of visiting a new
restaurant at a familiar airport and you have all the ingredients for a great
Saturday morning $250 ham & eggs fly-in. I was looking forward
to sitting on the outdoor patio and basking in the cool, early morning,
Legend Aviation is not totally new to the
But all the good stuff was not to be. On Monday afternoon prior to our fly-in, I received a phone call from a lady that said that the restaurant was closing and that “they would not be there”. I was rather stunned and did not remember the ladies name and thanked her for the “heads up”. I was only partially surprised since the number of times that I had been there, there were only one or two tables in used at any time. The Mustang Café is not a large place to begin with but the food was different and pretty good just the same. Between the indoor and outdoor seating, it would have fit our group very nicely and I was truly disappointed that we would not get the opportunity to sample some place new at an old location.
On Monday afternoon, I sent out a “Notam” to the Breakfast Club people to let them know that we would not be dinning at the Mustang Café but rather at Susie’s Skyway Café on the west side of the field in the terminal building. I called Susie’s to give them a “heads-up” that we would have 20-30 people there at about 0815 that Saturday morning.
Our Saturday morning weather was just perfect although a tad
warm but we knew that it would be much more desirable in
It was during this taxi time that I heard a transmission on the ground frequency from someone at Legend telling ground that the restaurant at Legend was also open. I wasn’t sure that I heard what I thought that I heard. I was informed that the restaurant was closed and someone on frequency is saying that it was open. What gives? After securing my airplane, we joined with other folks on the ramp. I asked a couple of them if they heard that transmission on ground about the restaurant at Legend being open and they said that they did.
After taking a group photo of those that were waiting for
the rest of our people, we started our hike to the terminal building. The
The Breakfast Club group used the entire center row of tables and overflowed into a couple of the booths. We were definitely “shoe-horned” into the space but, hay, we are with folks who like to fly and eat so it could not be all bad. The food and menu at Susie’s is typical airport fare and the prices are a bit lower than at many of our other favorites. Susie’s is another favorite of the $250 dollar ham & eggs crowd.
As we were getting ready to depart the building, a lady with the TSA was standing near the exit door and I asked her what the large modular building was that was attached to the terminal building. She stated that it was the screening area for passengers. The commuter airline that now serves this airport is using larger aircraft thus requiring a larger screening area. That was not there the last time that we were here. The old Legend location is now the “general aviation terminal”.
Our departure routine was slightly different than our arrival. We were now departing in runway 3R. I have never used 3R in all the years that I have been coming here. I have used 30 a couple of times but never 3R. The only odd part was that we were to fly runway heading until tower gave us the right turn to the southeast.
What’s Next?
Our September event will be to
Footnote: I called Legend Aviation that afternoon and asked what was going on with the Mustang Café. I said that we heard on ground frequency from someone at Legend that the restaurant was open. I spoke with Jerry Lawyer, the Legend GM, that I received a phone call the prior Monday stating that the restaurant was closing. Jerry said that they would be open for groups and catering. I said that we had 25 people and was that enough of a group to meet their criteria? Jerry said that this is just what they are looking for. He inquired as to the name of the called but I informed him that I had forgotten. He apologized for the foul-up and would be looking for another shot at providing a place for our group.
To view photos of this event, just click on the Prescott link