The Birthday Gift
I believe that pilots, as a group, all tend to have a little bit of "Walter Mitty" in each of us. In the twenty years that I have been flying, I can remember the many occasions where any number of us pilots would get together for some plain "hangar flyin ". I recall some of the "what if's" regarding our remote chances of either owing or flying some exotic aircraft. And then there were the times when the subject would arise as to, if money were no object, what would be you choice or vision of the "ultimate" aircraft. In almost every instance, these were fun times and allowed for us pass the time with some one who had a similar interest in the pastime that we lovingly call, flying. Well, since last week was my birthday, my loving bride chose to allow me the chance to "live" one of those Walter Mitty day dreams by arranging for me to get a ride in a fully restored, WWII, Navy N3N-3.
For the past 6 month or so, during our Sunday morning breakfast at either
On the Sunday of 15 December, my wife and I, along with our youngest son, daughter and son-in-law, and two grandchildren, met for breakfast at D-Atri's in the Scottsdale Airport terminal building. Towards the end our breakfast, and after opening a couple of birthday gifts, my wife stated that my other gift "had arrived". She was pointing out toward the ramp but from my vantage point, I could not see anything. I leaned forward to peer around the side of the fireplace where I spotted the yellow bi-plane parking on the ramp but since I did not see it taxi-in, it did not dawn on me of what she was talking about. My wife explained that I was going for a ride in the Navy bi-plane. I asked myself, was this for real?
Donald W. Mayes, the owner/pilot, came by our table and inquired as to who the "birthday boy" was. After stating that I was the party that he was seeking, he said that he would be getting some coffee and that whenever I was ready, "just let him know". After finishing my last cup of coffee, I walked over to his table to let him know that we were finished and that I would make a "pit stop" to off load some of the coffee ballast. I rejoined the group in the terminal lobby where Don was talking with the rest of the family. Probably getting some last minute instructions, I am sure.
We retreated from the terminal building, enmass,
through the coded gate, and onto the ramp area. As we approached the parked
aircraft, I was reminded that it was only about 42 degrees and the wind chill
from an open cockpit aircraft, as least to some one whom has lived in the
desert for over 30 years, could be rather mind numbing. Besides the winter
jacket that I already had on, my wife handed me some gloves that I had not worn
in many years. The aircraft, a 1940, Navy N3N-3, is only 1 of about 100
that are still flying. Don said that the original version of the
aircraft, had a 250hp Wright engine but when the bred was also used for crop
dusting, some of them were "re-engined"
with up to 650 hp Pratt & Whitney's in order to carry the huge
chemical loads. This particular aircraft had a P&W 985 that produced
450 hp. Don said that he purchased this aircraft in 1999 but that
he has been flying since 1967. Don said that with his ticket at 41
hours, he got his first flying job and in 1970, he went to work for an FBO in
After buttoning-up, zipping-up, and donning the gloves, Don showed me where to put my feet while climbing into the front cockpit of the airplane. He showed me how to secure the three point harness and after making sure that I was strapped-in securely and had donned the canvas helmet and headset, he climbed into the rear cockpit. All the while, the rest of the family members were standing off the port side of the aircraft, watching us go through the boarding procedures. After going through the pre-start check-list, Don pressed the starter button and the huge Pratt sprung to life with ease. He said that we had to wait until the oil temperature rose to 30 degrees Celsius before he would begin taxing. Don said that his gauge had taken a dive the day before so I needed to monitor the gauge on my panel and to let him know when the needle pegged on 30. Considering the brisk morning temperatures, it took about 10 minutes for the oil temperature to reach the 30 degree mark. When the needle pegged on thirty, I gave Don the nod and he began our taxi to runway 3. For those unfamiliar with "tail draggers", and in particular those with the BIG round engines, forward viability is nil at best thus requiring the "to and fro" dance till we reached the run-up area. We waited for two landings and one departure and then the tower gave us the "taxi into position and hold".
When Don got the "cleared for take-off", he smoothly advanced the throttle and big Pratt surged to life. In less time that it would take to tell about it, the tail was off the runway and in even less time, the mains were airborne. We had a 10 knot wind out of the northeast and with the brisk temperatures, the old bi-plane ascended like a home sick angel. As we came abeam the ramp area from where we started, I noticed that my family members were still there to watch our departure. I extended my left arm out of the cockpit to give them a wave and it was then that I realized that an 85 mph demon had grabbed me to remind me that this was not the same type aircraft that I had spent the last 20 years flying around in...........big mistake.
We headed straight-out for about 3 miles and then made a right turn and
directly at the
We maintained the low level flight for a while and then made a left turn to
the north toward
After Don shut-down the big Pratt, I existed the front cockpit, more or less in the reverse manor of when I got in. The only difference being that my face felt like a piece of ice sculpture that would take 24 hours to thaw-out. We congregated in the restaurant once again where my wife paid Don for the flight. Don filled-out my certificate that commemorated my "flight as it used to be ". All-in-all, a truly memorable experience that I will never forget.
When we got home, and checking my e-mail, I found that my son-in-law had already sent me some pictures that he had taken when we were still on the ramp. I will share these with you buy having you click on any of the links at the bottom of the story. Also, if you would like to release some of your own pent-up Walter Mitty, you can reach Don at: 480-419-5736. I have seen him at both DVT and SDL but I am sure that he would be willing to meet you at an airport near you.
Click on the Navy
N3N Plane Ride link to view some photos of this plane.