PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Focuses on Arizona's student standards in the arts and education (Curriculum revision project, field-based case study, art criticism as assessment).

2. Aligns curriculum with student assessments (art criticism as assessment, determine their art orientations, rubric design).

3. Addresses physical, mental, social, cultural, or community differences among learners (Class discussion of art orientations in text, student profile and assessment, small group discussion of exceptional student cases in text).


4. Reflects short and long tern curriculum goals (Curriculum redesign project and Educational Criticism project).

5. Includes appropriate use of a variety of methods, materials, and resources (Text, video, small group and class discussions, case studies, journal compilation of field observations, reflections).

6. Includes learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate for learners (practice teaching, field based case study and assessment of representational stage of development). Note: Aesthetic stages of development covered in ARE 450.

7. Includes learning experience that addresses a variety of cognitive levels (art orientations discussion from text, student profile and assessment, curriculum revision project, art criticism as highest level of thinking or self evaluation).

8. Includes learning practices are appropriate for curriculum goals (Curriculum revision project, practice teaching, journal description and reflections)

9. Includes learning experiences that are based upon principles of effective instruction (text, practice teaching, field-based case study, small group coding of teaching methods in action).

10. Includes learning experience that accurately represents content (Field-based case study, practice teaching, curriculum revision project, rubric design, final class presentation).

11. Incorporates appropriate assessment of student progress (Text, class discussion, of informal and formal assessment types, tests, reflection, grading and criteria discussion, practice teaching).

++ Art Criticism is an exploratory process of description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment of any work of art.



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Establishes and maintains standards of mutual respect (class interaction, maintains class standards, establish a platform of cultural diversity and global awareness--Also taught in ARE 470, Art Criticism and Aesthetics).

2. Displays effective classroom management (Teach mini units during observation hours, student teaching, ARE 450).

3. Encourages the student to demonstrate self-discipline and responsibility to self and others (Field-baaed observation, student teaching, safety precautions, classroom procedures).

4. Respects the individual differences among learners (Field-based observation and reflection, Classroom interaction during Educational Criticism).

5. Facilitates people working productively and cooperatively with each other (Small group assignments and discussions, practice teaching).

6. Provides a motivating leaning environment (hands on art projects, student centered/teacher directed, open-ended themes, questionnaire and utilize students' interests).

7. Promotes appropriate classroom participation (small and large group discussion, discuss discipline techniques, establish tribal procedures, field-based case study discussions).

8. Listens thoughtfully and responsively (Writes summary or lists during class discussions, field-based case study discussions, small and large group discussion, personally advise students).

9. Organizes materials, equipment, and other resources appropriately (Space map and sociogram, inventory, maintain and clean equipment).



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Appropriately implements a teacher-designed lesson plan (practice teaching, curriculum revision project).

2. Communicates specific standards and high expectations for learning (Curriculum revision project & criteria & rubric development, practice teaching, case studies)

3. Links learning with students' prior knowledge, experiences, and backgrounds (Student teaching, Pre-questionnaire, case study)/

4. Models the skills, concepts, attributes, or thinking processes to be learned (Practice teaching, develops art criticism questions and clues, defines concepts, gives examples, summaries lesson).

5. Demonstrates effective and oral communication (practice teaches, participation in class discussion, summarizes lesson, class presentation of final project).

6. Uses appropriate language to communicate with learners clearly and accurately (Practice teaching, list and explain criteria, write art criticism questions and clues).

7. Uses strategies that are appropriate to students' developmental levels (Curriculum revision project, attention to representational developmental characteristics, practice teaching).

8. Incorporates strategies which address the diverse needs of learners (Curriculum revision project (Add Multicultural/Global Awareness Section), practice teaching, discussion of Field-based project; journal reflections

9. Encourages critical thinking (Curriculum revision project, art criticism questionnaire and revision, criteria and rubric development, self-evaluation and reflection).

10. Connects lesson content to real life situations when appropriate (Discussion of Columbine Shootings, discussion of problems teaching exceptional students, field-based case study reflections and discussion, discipline solutions).

11. Uses technology and a variety of instructional resources appropriately to promote student learning (Videos, slides, computer requirements, photographic documentation, overhead transparencies, internet search and review).

12 . Uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to engage students actively in learning (Direct teaching--demonstration, examples, discussions with developed questions, student interview, indirect strategies--in process appraisals, small group work, praise and review).

13. Maximizes the amount of class time students are engaged in learning (Practice teaching, step-by-step timed procedures, coding of video of teacher in action, field-based observation).

14. Provides opportunities for students to use and practice what is learned (Practice teaching, art criticism with students as self-evaluation, teacher also does alignments, final presentation).

15. Adjusts instruction based on feedback from students (Adjustments during guided practice, journal reflection, revision of art criticism questionnaire, student evaluations, self-evaluation)..



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Promotes student self-assessment (Practice teaching, makes art project and writes art criticism evaluation, and rewrites lesson and art criticism questionnaire).

2. Uses a variety of appropriate formal and informal assessments aligned with instruction (Curriculum revision project, in-process appraisal, review quiz, rubrics & criteria).

3. Maintains records of student work and performance: (Pre and post interviews, assess 3 students' art orientations, and prescribe solutions to enhance them).

4. Offers students and parents feedback on progress (Student profiles from field-based observations).

5. Maintains privacy of student records and performance (Field-based observations, code names, photo releases, class discussion on ethics).



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Works with parents (Shows portfolio & assessments, display student art work & their self art criticism of it, gives certificates of merit and improvement).

2. Collaborates with other professionals and agencies to improve environment (Field-based observation, interscholastic exchange & events such as a Clayathon).

3. Assesses community resources to foster student learning (Field trips, guest speakers, audio-visual resources, reference lists, and devise alternative projects).

4. Demonstrates productive leadership and team membership skills (Mentoring & membership in professional association).



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher:

1. Reviews and reflects upon his/her own practice and its influence [Assessment tool revision, journal review, field-based project self reflection).

2. Designs a professional development plan for purpose of improving instruction [Personal counseling, revise lesson/unit project, spacemap, class discussion of ethical cases],

3. Engages in relevant professional activities [Discussions about membership benefits of National Art Education and Arizona Art Education Associations and importance of participation].

4. Uses documentation of his or her performance to develop a professional growth plan (Educational Criticism is a Process portfolio that included photocopies and photographs of students' work as it develops, tabular results of interviews, and final metaphoric reflections).

5. Pursues professional activities to support development as a learner and teacher (Revises and organizes portfolios with table of contents and headings, uses spell and grammar check, uses photographic, video and website documentation.

++Personal Philosophy Papers are written during student teaching.




1. Skills and concepts related to certified academic area [Outlines major art concepts and studio procedures found in the Major Art Disciplines or Areas of Inquiry: Aesthetics, Art Criticism, Creating Art, Art in Context (Revised lessons to include these components).

2. Major facts and assumptions that are central to the discipline [Outlines related art history facts.]

3. The process of inquiry that is central to the disciplines [Conducts and writes criticism well, enables students to evaluate art based on evidence, Makes judgments based on aesthetic theories not personal preferences].

4. Integration of disciplinary knowledge with other subject areas (Science, math, social studies, and other fine arts].

5. Connections between the knowledge of the certified academic areas and real life situations at the level of the students [Discussion on Columbine Tragedy].



PERFORMANCE CRITERIA: The extent to which the teacher has knowledge of:

1. A variety of methods for teaching subject {ART] and reading [Comprehension questions, game formats, and cross-word puzzles]

2. Interdisciplinary learning experiences that integrate knowledge, skills, and methods of inquiry from several subject areas [Art Criticism can be used in any area] .

3. Principles and techniques associated with various instructional strategies

4. Learning theory [Visual/haptic learners], curriculum development [objectives, motivations, teaching methods, procedures, materials and resources, assessments], and student development [stages, characteristics, exceptions, orientations] and how to use this knowledge in planning instruction to meet curriculum goals.

5. Area of exceptionality in learning [Challenged learners, gifted cases, and strategies].

6. Influences of individual development, experiences, talents, prior learning, language, culture, gender, family, and community on student learning [Lifelong learning, cultural learning styles in transition, gender differences].

7. Principles of human motivation and behavior and their implications for managing the classroom and organizing individual and group work [Socializing agents--peers, religion, sports rituals, popular media in "the semantics of cool"].

8. Effective evaluation of curriculum material and resources for their accuracy, comprehensiveness

(Revised 9/2/03