Dr. Mary Stokrocki;

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thurs: 12:30-1:30pm; 7:30-8:30pm; By appt.


Based on new Interstate Teacher Support and Assessment Consortium (INTASC) Standards

MIDTERM: PART I (65 pts.)

This is a secondary methods course and review of methods of assessment. On the title page, include your name, observed school, complete address, observed teacher, phone number, grade level, lesson, title of study. Example Title: "An Educational Criticism of Teaching Suburban Ninth Graders: The Facilitator." Refer to my model study when doing your paper. Look for results and writing examples in that paper that correspond to the questions and sections here.

___/10 pts. EDUCATIONAL CRITICISM METHODS: Paraphrase and use a few direct quotes with your own examples. Define evaluation and assessment according to Elliot Eisner (see course description). What is the difference between embedded assessment and performance assessment? What is educational criticism? Explain the four stages of Eisner's educational criticism of a class (See Course Description).

RUBRIC: Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed


__/10 pts. STANDARD 2. THE TEACHER CREATES AND MAINTAINS A SUPPORTIVE LEAERNING CLIMATE. DESCRIPTION OF CONTEXT & LEARNING CLIMATE: 1) Describe the sociocultural community profile: racial makeup, economic class, and major industries (See handout); 3) the context: the school, art room, and facilities (the adequacy of facilities and visual resources and their impact on teaching/learning); 4) Ask the instructor how he/she feels about the learning climate, space and facilities (adequate, ample, exceptional, other); 5) question students about learning climate; 6) evaluate how would you improve it? 7) Add Internet URL address of school [e.g. AND school system website]. [Visual-physical environment, McFee & Degge, 1980, p. 6].

RUBRIC: 2 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

___/5 pts. STANDARD 3. THE TEACHER IMPLEMENTS AND MANAGES INSTRUCTION THAT DEVELOPS STUDENTS ABILITIES. DESCRIPTION OF TEACHER: Intenview Teacher. Define/Analyze Instructural Styles/Methods according to John Michael [laissez-faire, assigned topic, authoritarian, media facilitator]. Give Examples. {See]

RUBRIC: 3 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

___/10 pts. STANDARD 3, Principle 4: THE TEACHER UNDERSTANDS AND USES A VARIETY OF INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES TO ENCOURAGE PROBLEM-SOLVING-SOLUTIONS AND CRITICAL THINKING. Interview the teacher and describe 3 of the teacher's instructional problems/solutions. What other problems did you notice? Problems--one of each: Content, Instructional, least 10-12 sentences).

RUBRIC: 3.4 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

___/10 pts.STANDARD 5, PRINCIPLE: THE TEACHER PLANS INSTRUCTION BASED ON KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER, STUDENTS, THE COMMUNITY, AND CURRICULUM GOALS. Describe-reflect-compare the original lesson/unit = Conceptual Environment. What is the name of the course? 2-D or 3-D? How many days/weeks was the lesson? IDENTIFY PARTS WITH THESE HEADINGS: Art Form, Subject matter, Technique, Style, Media, and Concepts [e.g., complementary colors, grid design]. In my paper, I refer to the whole course of study. How did the lesson fit students' interests? How is the community involved? [Standard 5.3]. Give the teacher's procedure. How did he/she motivate students? (what artists and artworks). How does this lesson fit the State standards to teach Art History & Art Critisism--Responding? What could be done to improve the lesson or make the lesson different to meet these standards? How does your instructor compare to Stokrocki's Mr. R. What similarities or differences in context or instruction do you notice? Write a paragraph (6 -10 sentences). Do not choose a lesson that is an exercise like creating a value chart or measuring paper This lesson/unit must include more evidence.

RUBRIC: 5.3 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

__/10pts. TEXTBOOK COMPARISON: Explain Information & 3 Examples that relates to your lesson from Chapters. What new information can you add? Explain 2 other nonrelated lessons that you found exciting and why?

RUBRIC: Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

__/10 PARTICIPATION AND ATTENDANCE: What extra work did you do in my university class beyond the information given? DEMONSTRATES EFFECTIVE WRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATION: FORMAT: Use my headings and subheadings throughout your paper. Label, proofread, and number pages of your paper. Use my organization. Push for vivid details or "thick description." I want you and your work to look professional for job placement. This is a PROCESS PORTFOLIO and we will be engaged in a dialog in writing to improve it. You have the opportunity to redo this part once to regain part of lost points.

RUBRIC: Showed evidence of high level of preparation, skilled presentation, active participation in my class; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

___/65 pts. Mid term Total; revised 1/9/07



FINAL: PART II (35 pts.)

On the cover, include your name, name of school, teacher, e-mail#, grade level, course, art form, media, and picture metaphor. If you photograph students, shoot from the back or over their shoulder.

Interview 3-4 students: One student should have a disability. Ask students to describe themselves: Racial makeup, gender, manner of dress, personality, their art preferences and art conceptions, school learning climate. Compare results and make suggestions to improve the prequestionnaire. Include a copy of the prequestionnaire. See Table 1 called "Ninth Graders' Reactions to Instructor, Art, and Content" in my model "An Educational Criticism of Study of Teaching Suburban Ninth Graders." Besides the table, explain the results in a paragraph form.

RUBRIC: 4 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

___/5 pts. STANDARD 3.8: INCORPORATES STRATEGIES WHICH ADDRESS THE DIVERSE NEEDS OF LEARNERS AND DEMONSTRATES MULTICULTURAL SENSITIVITY: ASSESS STUDENTS' DIVERSE ART ORIENTATIONS: The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development. What artifact/evidence? Describe each student's art orientation and studio art making style: mechanical, primitive, intellectual, or intuitive (Michael, 1983). Remember these orientations are guidelines to help you understand and instruct each student. Explain the attitude of each student, psycho personality structure, and give suggestions for improvement, according to Michael (1983). Explain how each student was creative (fluent, flexible, original, and/or elaborate in details) or did the student need a model to imitate somewhat {CULTURAL PREFERENCE]--give evidence/examples (Wilson's theory)? How else did you meet their needs?

RUBRIC: 3 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

___/5 pts. STANDARD 4.1: PROMOTES STUDENTS' SELF ASSESSMENT & STANDARD 3.9 ENCOURAGES CRITICAL THINKING: STUDENTS' SELF ART CRITICISM. SUGGEST WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR QUESTIONS. Based on the same art project, interview 3 students using Art Criticism as Self Evaluation questions. Photograph one of the artworks. Label the stages of art criticism: description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment. Separate all questions on the elements or principles and include alternative choice answers. Also draw students' attention to what's in the background? (See model.) Don't forget the judgment stage questions and definitions: "Is it formal, expressive, representational, functional?" Ask students what were their successful parts and how would they improve the weak areas. Ask students about the project (challenging, interesting, boring). Follow this with an interview for more thorough answers. Finally, critique your own worksheet--how to make it better. Answers must be legible. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUBTLY TEACH ART CRITICISM AND AESTHETICS [THE LAST STAGE OF AC].

RUBRIC: 4.1 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed

___/5 pts. STANDARD 4.2 USES A VARIETY OF APPROPRIATE FORMAL AND INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS ALIGNED WITH INSTRUCTION. Design an assessment device for students to grade themselves. a) How did students grade themselves?
b) How did the teacher assess the lesson? Based on what criteria? What other assessment devices were used? c) Add your evaluation and criteria: Grade the same students' work based on rubrics; include your own criteria: Craftsmanship, good design, originality, and understanding of assigned concepts (i.e., detail and composition of drawing [Derived from Carole Henry]; d) Give students suggestions for improvement.

RUBRIC: 4.2 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

__/5pts. STANDARD 8.5. UNDERSTANDS METHODS FOR RECOGNIZING AND ACCOMMODATING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN. Synopsize and react to the statements offered by the Clements' article on exceptional students [behavioral disorders & disabilities]. Relate 2 incidents from your own school or teaching career that were behavioral problems, what happened, and how to solve the problem creatively. What cultural reasons can you give to deviate attention and to suggest alternative ways of thinking or acting, such as in another culture? Since these suggestions below may motivate male students, interview one female student for 3 suggestions that would intrigue her gender. Find a website that discussing a similar problem with alternative solutions. Give us the URL address.

RUBRIC: 8.5 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

__/5 pts. STANDARD 6. THE TEACHER REVIEWS AND EVALUATES HIS/HER OWN PERFORMANCE AND OFFERS IMPROVEMENTS. Include a creative visual/verbal interpretation of the class experience/art lesson (thematics--photo/cartoon--related to the art project) on the cover}. Explain in a paragraph your interpretation and class participation. The interpretation catches the class social spirit/feeling--the total experience. Finally, give suggestions to improve your performance. [See page 19 of my study.] Make sure the metaphor is appropriate to the art form.

RUBRIC: 6 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

ARE 496. STANDARD 8. THE TEACHER DEMONSTRATES CURRENT PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE TO EFFECTIVELY DESIGN AND PLAN INSTRUCTION, AND IMPLEMENT LEARNING [educational criticism-field placement]. POSTER PRESENTATION ON THE LAST DAY: Temporarily display original photos and sketches in a creative way. You are responsible for keeping me informed of your problems and progress. If you cannot do a section, then we will work out a substitute method. You must state the failures and reasons why something is not working out in your paper, and the alternative. Failure to do this means deducted points. Do not wait until the last minute to do these sections. Give me a copy of your final paper in a soft cover folder for INTASC Review. I will deduct points if your project is not professional: written clearly, print it with a dark ribbon, use of my headings and organization order, proofread it. Do not be late. This is considered your senior certification project. I need copies of students' artwork in the paper to review your work.

RUBRIC: 6 Showed evidence of high level of preparation and skilled presentation; 2 Acceptable at this level of teaching experience with adequate preparation; 1 Inadequate, more preparation needed.

__/35pts. End term / ___ Total Class Grade Revised 1/6/06