Welcome to the world of participant observation collaborative research. This research model invites duplication and your responses. The page is co-sponsored by The NAEA Visual Arts Education Research Agenda for the 21st Century.

The purpose of this participant observation research is to describe, analyze, and interpret a collaborative research project, "Teaching Southwest CulturesThrough Art," which focuses on a vernacular architecture unit at the middle school level. The instructor imparts information on Hohokam and Anasazi architecture and its context and students explore clay construction techniques in groups. Due to limited space, this research explores questions 1)What did the master instructor teach? 2) How did he do it? 3) What did students learn? 4) How did they work cooperatively? and 5) How can cooperative learning in architecture be improved? From prequestionnaires, we discovered that middle school students do not understand the concept of architecture. This research describes their group working styles, analyzes their art orientations, and compares their postquestionnaire responses, especially students fondness for making tiny props. Reactions to the study from external readers are included. Finally, we discuss related issues, offer findings, and suggest improvements. Leading questions for discussion are included.

These web pages introduce a sample study, multiple research methods, participants & contexts, concepts, instructional methods, conclusions, problems, and opinions.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at mary.stokrocki@asu.edu


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