bsbecomingnaomi.jpgBecoming Naomi Leon

By: Pam Munoz Ryan


Summary of Plot

            This is a story of a little girl discovering who she is, and who she definitely is not, through family.  Naomi Outlaw is just an average everyday 10 year old girl who does not believe that she is anything special.  Although she does have a very unique talent of carving animals out of soap which she finds out later is a family tradition down in Mexico.  She lives with her Gram and her little brother Owen, because her mom had abandoned her when she was only 4 years old.  Naomi’s whole world turns upside down when her mother, Skyla, comes back into the picture.  The reunion is one of happiness and inner turmoil for Naomi’s little life.  To get Naomi’s life back in order the whole family takes a trip down to Mexico to find Naomi and Owen’s father. 



Directions for Web Quest:

Read through the activities and decide which three you like best.  Activity #1 needs to be completed but the other two are your choice.   After completing the activities make sure to take the quiz.  Feel free to browse through the different sites that give more information about places in the book and check out Pam Munoz Ryan’s website for more information on the author.


Fun Sites

Biography of Author

Activity #1

Activity #2

Activity #3

Activity #4


Take Quiz