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Young Adult Lit WebQuests

Rubric for Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

Home Summary Hot Links Quiz Rubric

Final Rubric:




Answer is well organized, has a strong voice, clear sentence structure, accurate word choice and includes appropriate use of conventions.


Answer provides a thorough response to the question, supported by sufficient, relevant details from the text and the website.

Answer is well organized, has a strong voice,  few errors with sentence structure and word choice  and includes appropriate use of most conventions.


Answer provides a thorough response to the question supported by some relevant details from the text and website.

Answer is organized, lacks a strong voice, weak sentence structure, inappropriate word choice and little use of conventions.


Answer provides a limited response to the question supported by few, if any, relevant details from the text and/ or websites.

Answer is unorganized, lacks voice, sentence structure and word choice effect readability, and lacks appropriate use of conventions.


Answer is a mostly inaccurate response to the question supported by irrelevant details, if any, from the text and website.

Answer is unorganized, has no voice, lacks sentence structure, no consideration in word choice and demonstrates no knowledge of conventions.


Response is totally inappropriate or inaccurate.

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updated: February 14, 2007