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Help Wanted / Gary Soto Essay Test Grading Rubric
available for download in MS Word by clicking here

Name ______________________

Help Wanted Essay Test

Each essay is worth a total of 10 points.

•  Ideas (up to 4 pts.)_____

•  clearly stated main idea that makes sense (what are you proving?)

•  details that prove your main idea (two quotations)

•  sub-points stand out (Internet links used)

•  no sidetracking (stick to your point)

•  Organization (up to 2.5 pts.)_____

•  an attention grabbing opening,

•  a sequence that's easy to follow

•  developed paragraphs

•  words of transition that show me what you're doing (because, on the other hand, furthermore, in fact, and, but, not only but also)

•  a conclusion that doesn't leave me with unanswered question

•  Voice (up to .5 pts.) ______

•  appropriate to topic, purpose and audience

•  writer is committed to topic (sounds like he/she cares about it)

•  writer attempts to connect to audience (as appropriate)

•  writer reveals the person behind the words (as appropriate)

•  Word Choice (up to .5 pts.) ______

•  words evoke strong images (appeal to senses)

•  precise, accurate vocabulary

•  interesting but natural sounding

•  Sentence Fluency (up to .5 pts) _____

•  graceful flow of sentences one into the next

•  variation of sentence type, length and opening

•  cadence used to enhance meaning

•  Conventions (up to 2 pts.)_____

•  correct punctuation

•  correct spelling

•  correct grammar and usage to the point that it does not interfere with reading the paper.

A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 percent TOTAL (out of 10 ) _______

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