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Young Adult Lit WebQuests

Here is the rubric for grading the answers to the Quiz.


5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points
The response is clear and well written.  All aspects of the question are answered and the answer refers back to the book.  The response demonstrates an understanding of both the book and the site by providing specific references to each. The response is clear and well written but some aspects of the question may not be discussed.  The response makes a general reference to the book but no specific references are included.

The response is clear but may have some spelling or grammar mistakes.  Several aspects of the question are not discussed and the response may make an extremely general reference to the book and/or the site.

The response includes grammar mistakes that make it difficult to read and understand.  The response only basically answers the question but shows no real understanding of the material.  There is no attempt to reference the book or the site. The response includes numerous grammar mistakes and is poorly written.  The response may provide an inappropriate answer to the question and does not reference the book or the site.

There is no attempt to answer the question.




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updated: February 14, 2007