Dr. Jeremy RoweHead, Media DevelopmentInformation Technology Arizona State University Box 0101 Tempe, Arizona 85287-0101 voice: 480-965-8622 fax: 480 965-8698 |
Dr. Janis BruwelheideProfessor, College of Education, Health & Human DevelopmentProject Director, Borderless Access to Training and Education A FIPSE LAAP demonstration project 213 Reid Montana State University-Bozeman Bozeman, Montana 59717 voice: 406-994-3120 fax: 406-994-3261 |
Tutorials and Background Information - Copyright
Tutorials and Background Information - Intellectual Property
Professional Organization Policy Information and Statements - Copyright
Professional Organization Policy Information and Statements - Intellectual Property
Campus or System Policy/Resource Examples
University of Texas Copyright Presentations for administrators, faculty, students, librarians, and technology professionals dealing with a range of issues including copyright, distance education, course packs, reserve, and policydevelopment. http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/IntellectualProperty/present.htmCopyright Crash Course - University of Texas instructional module and resource http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/IntellectualProperty/cprtindx.htm
Fair Use Center Copyright & Fair Use, Stanford University Libraries Provides links to other sites and a searchable resource for information on copyright, fair use, and multimedia such as primary source materials, current legislation, cases ad issues, resources on th einternet, and an overrview of Copyright law. http://fairuse.stanford.edu
What Colleges and Universities Need to Know about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by Casey Lide (CAUSE/EFFECT journal, Volume 22 Number 1, 1999) http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/html/cem9913.html
Copyright Clearance Center - a collective licensing system that facilitates compliance with the copyright law and promote the Constitutional purposes of copyright, namely progress and creativity in the arts and sciences. http://www.copyright.com/
Copyright Management Center Indiana University-Purdue addresses fair use, library issues, rights adn claims of ownership, permissions, distance education, and special media. http://www.iupui.edu/~copyinfo/
United States Copyright Office http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright
Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians - U. S. Copyright Office (circular 21) http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/circs/circ21.pdf
Potential Pitfalls in Multimedia Media Product Development: Clearing the Necessary Rights by Paul F. Norris and Mark J. Bolender. (1996). Excerpts are posted at http://www.batnet.com:80/oikoumene/nobomediarights.html
Copyright Considerations in Distance Education and Technology Mediated Instruction. White Paper for the American Association of Community Colleges by Kenneth D. Salomon, (1999) http://www.dlalaw.com/site/page_1.asp?section=4&subsection=3&seqa=0&seqb=0&seqc=0&PgId=598
Copyright Resources Online consists sections on university copyright resources and on non-university intellectual property resources.http://www.library.yale.edu:80/~okerson/copyproj.html
The Copyright Web Site Practical and entertaining presentation of information and guidance on
copyright law particularly as it relates to Web issues. http://www.benedict.com/WEB Law FAQ Addresses many Web issues including use of images from other Web sites;
obtaining a domain name; copying, printing and e-mailing materials found on the Web; linking to other Web sites; copyright and trademark law; and protecting against loss of a domain name.
http://www.patents.com/weblaw.shtIntellectual and Technology Law Links (Kuester) is intended to be the most comprehensive
resource available on the Internet for information related to technology law, including in particular patent, copyright and trademark law. http://www.kuesterlaw.com/ index.html
CopyOwn(sm) - a resource on Copyright Ownership for the higher education community http://www.umd.edu/CopyOwnIntellectual Property and Copyright: Protecting Educational Interests and Managing Changing Environments, Janis H. Bruwelheide (1999) http://www.educause.edu/asp/doclib/abstract.asp?ID=EDU9935
Checklist of Issues for Evaluating the Adequacy of Institutional Intellectual Property and Employment Policies and Procedures for Electronic Courseware. Kenneth D. Salomon, http://www.dlalaw.com/site/page_1.asp?section=4&subsection=3&seqa=0&seqb=0&seqc=0&PgId=597
Protecting Institutional Rights Through A Distance Learning in Property/Computer Use Audit by Kenneth D. Salomon, (1996). http://www.dlalaw.com/site/page_1.asp?section=4&subsection=3&seqa=0&seqb=0&seqc=0&PgId=457
Intellectual Property and Copyright: Protecting Educational Interests and Managing Changing Environments http://www.educause.edu/asp/doclib/abstract.asp?ID=EDU9935
"Who Owns the Rights to Instructional Materials? Rethinking Intellectual Property at the University" Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) (September 1999)
http://www.cic.uiuc.edu/resources/ip/copyrtconf99.html"Intellectual Property: The Rights of Faculty as Creators and Users" by Robert A. Gorman (Academe, Volume 84, Numbers 3,1998, pp.14-18) http://www.aaup.org/gorman.htm
EDUCAUSE Resource LIbrary - copyright and intellectual property articles and resources
http://www.educause.edu/asp/doclib/subject_docs.asp?Code=23"Ownership Issues in Online Use of Institutional Materials" by Dan L. Burk (CAUSEIEFFECT Volume 21, Number 2,1998, pp.19-27)
http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/html/cem9826.htmlOwnership of Electronic Course Materials in Higher Education by Dan L. Burk (CAUSE/EFFECT Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 1997, pp. 13-18)
http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/html/cem9734.html"Ownership of Faculty Works and University Copyright Policy" by Clark Shores (ARL Bimonthly Report, December 1996)
http://www.arl.org/newsltr/189/owner.html"Ownership of New Works at the University: Unbundling of Rights and the Pursuit of Higher Learning" (C.E.T.U.S., 1997)
http://www.cetus.org/ownership.pdf"To Publish and Perish" (Pew Higher Education Roundtable) (Policy Perspectives, Volume 7, Number 4, March 1998) http://www.arl.org/scomm/pew/pewrept.html
"Who Owns Online Courses and Course Materials? Intellectual Property Policies for a New Learning Environment" by Carol Twigg (The Pew Learning and Technology Program, 2000) http://www.center.rpi.edu/PewSym/mono2.html
"Works Made for Hire Under the 1976 Copyright Act" (U.S. Copyright Office, Circular 9, June 1999) http://www.loc.gov/copyright/circs/circ09.pdf
Learning Technologies Report: The Rights Stuff Ownership in the Digital Academy. Ontario, Canada: The Learning Technologies Network fall 1999. Available for sale through http://theNode.org/ltreport/
World Wide Web Site Development Agreement (work for hire) Sample contract between King & Spalding and CyberNet Communications Corp. for the development of this World Wide Web site. Addresses a broad range of issues involved in contracted WWW or multimedia production http://www.kslaw.com/library/links_webdev.html
American Association for University Professors sections on distance education and intellectual property http://www.aaup.org/DistncEd.htmAssociation for Research Libraries (ARL) Copyright & Intellectual Property, http://www.arl.org/info/frn/copy/copytoc.html
American Library Association, Washington Office http://www.ala.org/washoff
Center for Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Digital Environment, UMUC http://www.umuc.edu/distance/odell/cip/
Consortium for Educational Technology in University Systems: CETUS Discussion Series http://www.cetus.org
University of North Texas Distributed Learning Policy http://www.unt.edu/legalaffairs/distributed_learning.htmlPrinceton University copyright and patent policy http://www.princeton.edu/patents/copyright.html
American Distance Education Consortium - available under intellectual property at http://www.adec.edu/
National Education Association - Higher Education http://www.nea.org
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) "Statement on Copyright" (1999) http://www.aaup.org/stcopyrt.htm
Association of American Universities (AAU) "Intellectual Property and New Media Technologies: A Framework for Policy Development at AAU Institutions" (May 1999) http://www.tulane.edu/~aau/IPNewMediaReport.html
Stevens Institute of Technology Web-Based Course Intellectual Property Rights, Robert Ubell (2000) http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/word/CSD1474.doc
CopyFair(sm)-a resource on Use of Copyright Works for the higher education community includes a significant list of policy links. http://www.umd.edu/CopyFair
Copyright Law for Distance Learning (University of Texas) Compiled by Georgia Harper, Office of General Counsel, this site provides guidance and information to faculty, staff and students of the University of Texas System concerning applicable law and the alternatives available. http://www.utsystem.edu/ogc/IntellectualProperty/distance.htmA Discussion Draft on Copyright Considerations for Faculty Authored Multimedia Course Materials created by the University of California Committee on Intercampus Information Technology and Networking for Academic Purposes (CINITAP) as a framework for discussion of copyright issues. http://www.ucop.edu/irc/wp/wp_Docs/wpd002.html
White Papers - University of California System - http://www.ucop.edu/irc/wp/wp_Contents.html
Wellesley College Copyright Policy Provides a model institutional policy with practical examples of classroom use of copyrighted materials. http://www.wellesley.edu/Library/copyright.html