First Assignment: Summary of Origin

As I announced in class, the first assignment is simply a 3000 to 3500 word summary of Darwin's Origin of Species. In your own words, provide a summary of each of the fourteen chapters. You do not have to provide any analysis of Darwin's ideas, merely provide a summary that clearly demonstrates that you understand what Darwin is saying. There is no need to cite from the text - the summaries should be in your own words.

A word of advice: Don't write your summary in the form "Darwin says X. Then he says Y. Then Darwin says Z." Try and offer a synthetic summary of what is going on in each chapter. In fact, you should probably avoid using the words "Darwin," "he," etc in the assignment. Similarly, don't offer a "bulleted-list" of points - aim for a flowing narrative.

A warning: All submitted assignments will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssignment. Plagiarized assignments (either intentionally or accidentially so) will result in immediate failure of the course with a grade of XE. Do not be tempted to use online summaries of Origin.

Formatting: Double-spaced; Times New Roman size 12 font or similar.

Submission: Both electronic and paper copies of the assignment must be submitted on time for you to recieve credit for the assignment.

Assignments should be submitted electronically by 3:00pm on Monday September 24th

  1. Save your paper as a MS Word 97-2003 file. If you are using Office 2007, please see the following - failure to submit in the correct format will result in you losing 10% of the 30% going for the assignment.
  2. Login in to the course Blackboard site.
  3. On the left hand menu, choose "Assignments" and then "Origin Summary View/Complete".
  4. Submit your paper.
  5. You're done!

Printed copies are due to me by 3:15pm on Monday September 24th. Late papers will not be accepted - arrive in class early.

Last Updated: 16-Sep-2007 10:39 PM