Who is Kristin Koptiuch?

New! Check out a selection of my writing and web projects


Research Projects with Students:


crossing the valley   globalcities.jpg  pink door

Tracking the Transnational in Metro Phoenix! Think outside the classroom!!!
Field Lab

   Learning From South Phoenix     SAS 06 koptiuch-home

South Side Story: Urban Changes in South Phoenix
Digital Story about my Learning From South Phoenix classes 2002-2006
NOTE: YouTube turned off the musical soundtrack by Thalia in the first half of this video,
due to copyright issues. The voiceover narration is audible throughout,
and the music starts again half way through. Sorry, I don't know how to fix it.

Web portal hosting interdisciplinary social and cultural research
about greater metropolitan Phoenix

Phoenix MetroWeb image home

View some of my Wackier Pages

ASU summer study abroad COSTA RICA PROGRAM 2013
(program now on hiatus)

Why not look in on the entire
School of Social & Behavioral Sciences

and the Minor in Sociocultural Anthropology

New College logo

My dearest poodle Chaka Khan

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