Migration & CultureÊÊÊÊ Spring 2004ÊÊÊ Prof KoptiuchÊÊÊ Arizona State
University WestÊÊÊ Phoenix, Arizona
Bibliography of Course Readings & Media
- Bui doi: Life Like Dust, 1995 (28 min)Ê (if time)
- Death on a Friendly Border, 2001 (26 min)
- La Ciudad (clip);Ê
- Los Trabajadores, 2001(48 min), on day-labor center in Austin, Tx
- Modern Heroes, Modern Slaves, 1997 (45 min)
- New Faces on Main Street, 1998 (60 min)
- The Unwanted, 1975 (50 min)
- Recc: Bend it Like Bechham (Gurinder Chadha 2002)
- Recc: La Saison des Hommes (Moufida Tlatli, 1999)
- Recc: Sammy and Rosie Get Laid (Stephen Frears 1987)
- Recc: The Sixth Section (Alex Rivera 2003, 27 min)
- clips from Men in Black and The ArrivalÊ ??
- Arizona Republic, Special Report: ÒDying to Work.ÓÊ August 25, 2001.
Read it online: http://www.azcentral.com/news/specials/migrants/overview.html
- Border Action Network, ÒJustice on the LineÓ 2003
- BorderLinks Reading PacketÑselection of articles to prepare for fieldtrip
to Nogales
- Castles, Stephen & Mark J. Miller, ÒNew Ethnic Minorities and Society,Ó
in The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern
World.Ê Macmillan Press 1998 (2nd edition), 212-252Ê
- Chang, Grace, Disposable Domestics: Immigrant Women Workers in the
Global Economy
- Chavez, Leo R., ÒManufacturing Consensus on an Anti-Mexican Immigration
Discourse,Ó from his Covering Immigration: Popular Images and the Politics
of the Nation.Ê U Cal P, 2001: 215-262.Ê
- Clark, Charles S., ÒThe New Immigrants,ÓÊ Congressional Quarterly Researcher
Jan 24, 1997:49-72 (reprint in Annual Editions: Race & Ethnic Relations
- Cooper, Marc, ÒThe HeartlandÕs Raw Deal: How Meatpacking is Creating
a New Immigrant Underclass,Ó The Nation Feb 3, 1997: 11-17
- Jo Ann Koltyk, New Pioneers in the Heartland: Hmong Life in Wisconsin.
- Kumar, Amitava, ÒLanguage.ÓÊ From his Passport Photos, U Calif P 2000:
16-25, 30-34
- LappŽ, Frances Moore and Joseph Collins, ÒWhy Can't People Feed Themselves?Ó
From Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity, Institute for Food & Development
1977, reprinted in Annual Editions in Anthro 99/00, Dushkin Pub Group
- Lehrer, Warren & Judith Sloan, Crossing the BLVD: Strangers, Neighbors,
Aliens in a New America. http://www.crossingtheblvd.org/
- Lowell, B. Lindsay, Rodolfo de la Garza, Mike Hogg, ÒRemittances, U.S.
Latino Communities, and Development in Latin American Countries,ÓÊ Migration
World 28(5)2000:13-17
- Martin, Susan Forbes, selection from Refugee Women, Zed Books 1992:
1-6, 16-31
- McMurray, David, In & Out of Morocco: Smuggling and Migration in
a Frontier Boomtown
- Moser, Bob ,ÒOpen SeasonÓ Intelligence Report Issue 109, Spring 2003,
p. 6-23 http://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?aid=19
- Sassen, Saskia, ÒThe City: Strategic Site/New Frontier,Ó in Quaderns
dÕarquitectura i urbanisme: Frontera, Barcelona: Collegi dÕArquitectes de
Catalunya, 2001 12-15
- Sassen, Saskia, ÒWhy Migration?Ó Report on the Americas 25(1)1992:
- Schaus, Noel, ÒLatinos Claiming Space and Rights: The Chandler Coalition
for Civil and Human Rights,Ó manuscript chapter on the 1997 ÒChandler Roundup.Ó
MA Thesis, ASU.
- Schiller, Nina et al, ÒTransnationalism: A New Analytic Framework for
Understanding Migration,Ó in Towards a Transnational Perspective on Migration:
Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Nationalism Reconsidered.Ê Ed. Schiller et al.
New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1992: 1-24.
- Small, Cathy,Voyages: From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs. (first
- Sontag, Deborah, ÒA Mexican Town that Transcends All Borders,Ó NY Times
July 21, 1998. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/regional/072198immigration.html
- United States Government,Ê statistics on types of immigrants by country
of origin http://uscis.gov/graphics/shared/aboutus/statistics/299.htm
- US v Wong Kim Ark (1889)ÑUS Supreme Court established citizenship by
- US-Mexico MigrationÑspecial issue of Migration Information Source,
March 2004.Ê Read it online at http://www.migrationinformation.org/index.cfm
- Web: ÒEvolution of the Term ÔRefugeeÕÓ http://www.refugees.org/news/fact_sheets/refugee_definition.htm
- Web: ÒWorldwide Refugee InfoÓ http://www.refugees.org/world/worldmain.htm
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