Agency Report


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A. Where is home base (city/state/country)?
Arizona, U.S.A.
What is key constituency or audience?
Legal Arizona citizens and taxpayers

C. What are the agency’s main activities?
Verifying citizenship for voting purposes and verifying applicants for non-federally funded public benefits.

Mission statement? Key goals?
1. Require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.
2. Requires proof of identity to vote.
3. Requires proof of eligibility for non-federally mandated public benefits.
Slogan: “Illegal immigration – the Trojan horse that is treated like a sacred cow”.

What are key immigration issues of concern to this agency?
1. To set policies to protect citizens from paying welfare dollars to illegal aliens.
2. To require proof of citizenship for voting purposes (“to secure the purity of elections”).

What is the most common basis for statements issued, agency’s research, press releases, etc.?
1. Former governor Hull reported when she passed out voter registration cards at a large citizenship swearing-in ceremony, half the people turned their forms back in claiming they were already registered voters. This act is unconstitutional; all voters must be legal citizens to vote.
2. In 1998, there were 500,000 unverified names on the voter rolls. It was discovered 65,000 were either deceased or felons, leaving 435,000 assumed to be illegally voting. However, the 435,000 names have not been removed from the voter rolls.

Is the agency noticeably pro or con immigration?

The organization does not make any blatant claims to be pro or con immigration. However, Protect Arizona Now is clearly against immigration.  This is proven by the fact that the group is trying to pass legislation for laws that already exist.  For example, they want citizens to provide proof of citizenship to register to vote; this is already a law!

Names of key spokespersons/officers
Senior Advisor is Russell Pearce, State Representative from District 18.

Give at least one citation of this group in a news report. (use a citation index to research this)
1. East Valley Tribune article, “07/08 – Initiative Targets Illegal Immigrants”, by Le Templar (see reference #2).
2. The Sierra Times article, “AZ: Proposition 187-Type Initiative Heading for State Wide Ballot” (see reference #3). 3. “I found it very interesting watching a polling place in Mexico on television. A Mexican citizen wanting to cast a ballot in the Mexican election had to present photo identification, which was matched to a photo identification of record. It is interesting that what is expected of Mexicans in Mexico is intrusive and anti-Hispanic in this country.” Edmund I. Leff, Paradise Valley (see reference #4).

Other issues of interest?
A few interesting points made on the site: 1. A radio talk show host’s children (all under the age of 10) were (somehow) registered to vote. 2. A caller of that same show admitted that he registered his dog to vote via the internet. 3. They even claim that dead people vote even years after their death!

L. Web site? Give URL

  To review a CRITICAL VIEWPOINT of the Protect Arizona Now issues, the following website will access an article written by Elvia Diaz for the Arizona Republic on July 12,2003.  Elvia interviews the Democratic senator from Connecticut, the article is titled "Joe Lieberman Criticizes Arizona immigrant initiative"



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