Open Letter

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 ~To all of you who believe immigrants~




~Taking your jobs~

They are not,

They are doing the jobs you will not accept.


They are taking jobs they are over qualified for~

Just to have the opportunity

To support and feed their families


~Morally corrupting our country~

Then why are you letting them raise your children?


~Depleting our Tax Dollars~

On the contrary, they are generating them!


Mexican immigrants alone generated a fiscal surplus of

US $106 million in 2001


~Somebody NOT Like You~

Before you point a finger at “Them”

Understand you are an immigrant too.


I challenge you to read on,

To learn about the issues regarding migration


You make judgments about what you do not understand.

I ask you…

Are you not an immigrant?

Where did your family come from?

Who ARE You?

Aren’t we all the same? 

We just come in different times…from different places!


The above picture is of a Mexican worker...she looks no different than any of us.

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