Family Object       

Reinfeldt migration: My great grandpa migrated from Germany to the United States in the, 1890’s.  My great grandpa’s father was a road contractor in Germany and was well off.  He started two towns; one was called Reinfeldt A and the other Reinfeldt B. The Reinfeldt family lived in a castle on the Rhine River.  That is how our last name began because it means the field by the Rhine River.  My great grandpa was not happy though, even though he came from a family of wealth.  He was in love with a peasant girl who worked for his father and he was not allowed to show his love for someone who did not come from money.  That is when he decided to leave his family in Germany and come over to the United States.  He landed in Ellis Island and moved to a town called Aldeman in Wisconsin.  Now that town is called Rock Springs.  Once he was established and had saved enough money he sent for the peasant lady.  She was expected to come on a train that was two miles from his house, so everyday after he sent for her, he walked down to the train depot to meet her.  One day she was there and they lived happily ever after with around 12 kids, including my grandpa Reinfeldt. 

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