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           This semester, I attended the Migration and Culture class trying to expand my knowledge on people across the valley and the world.  I believe I've achieved as much as I can throughout this class and have received much knowledge as I was able to through this class.  With this knowledge, I hope to be constantly reminded of other nationalities and the struggles they faced for their family as well as mine.  I will appreciate the hard work that others have faced and respect their love for their family. 

           I enjoyed the trip to Nogales and the interaction with the residents there.  It gave me a chance to experience what they go through everyday and the conditions in which they live in.  It makes me realize how petty I have been on my life and how I've taken things for granted.  I believe with this knowledge, I'll begin to appreciate what I have a little more, and probably give some of my time helping out the needy in the future.  You can see that there is a lot of love in the families that we visited.  They don't need the luxury life that we live here in the states, I can see that as long as they have each other, then they are happy.  Of course they would like to enjoy a life of luxury by obtaining a better life for their children, but by this, they don't take anything for advantage, and appreciate what they have and everything that is dear to them. 

         Then attending the Migrants, Justice & Border events, they changed my view on what I think is right and wrong when it comes to immigrants and their rights as human beings.  For them to die in the dry deserts of the border whether it be of dehydration, or being shot for trespassing, they do not deserve to die.  It might sound easy for migrants to go through the system and do everything legally, but sometimes they believe they do what they have to in order for them to support their family back at home. 

         Overall, this class was well worth my time to experience what migrants face everyday and in the past.     


Take Care!!!


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