Family Object

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Kathy Lorenz

SBS 450

Migration Object



Migration Object

Nottinghamshire, a county in England, was believed to have been the homeland of my biological mom’s family, as per my older siblings. With respect to my biological father’s family, my older siblings reported that they were told England was also their homeland although no specifics were given such as the city or county. Likewise, no specific reasons were given, to my siblings, regarding why they emigrated to the United States.

Being that I was raised in foster homes, I do not have any family possessions. So, I chose to bring in a map of England that pinpoints Nottinghamshire. Of course, I am relying on my siblings’ recollection of past conversations-conversations afforded to them because of the simple fact that they were not in foster care. All I have to go on is word-of-mouth information and so I will cling to those two words of Nottinghamshire, England as gospel of my family’s migration legacy.

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