McCain's Proposal

Give migrants the opportunity for a better life.

While living in Arizona a key issue constantly brought up is Immigration. The abundance of illegal immigration that takes place in Arizona is the main issue. People constantly ask why do Mexicans come to the United States? Why don’t they just stay in Mexico? Why do they take all of our jobs? In reality these illegal aliens risk their lives to come across the border and take the jobs that Americans are not willing to take. What would it take for you, to risk your life and to literally run to another country just to simple life? Would you do it so that your family could survive? While in Nogales, Mexico on Feb. 25, it made me realize why people risk their lives to come to America. Two weeks ago, I thought that immigration should be held to a minimum. I did not like having to deal with Spanish speaking people; I had the same stereotypes that many Americans have towards immigration, but when you see the house and conditions that these have to live in, tarps for walls, tape holding the house together with a garden hose coming from the roof for fresh water. I can understand why people want to come to America. In America these houses would not be considered houses. Now, try and tell me that you would not mind living like that. Some thing must be done with all the illegal immigration taking place in America, because the working and living conditions in Mexico will not changing any time soon, so the immigration will continue increase. Now, every single person can’t come to the United States and do what ever they want, but there must be a more accessible way for Hispanic people to come to live and work in America. That is where McCain’s Immigration Reform gives us answers. McCain’s proposal offers a legal way for immigrants to come to America for work and eventually earn permanent citizenship. Bush’s put forth a plan that allows people to come across for a designated amount of time and then they are forced to go back to where they came from. Bush’s plan has good intentions in mind, but when these people come to work in America, they are able to stay here for 6 years, they will establish families, homes and communities, then all that is taken from them, when their time is up. This is where McCain’s proposal has the upper hand; it allows these people to build a life without the fear of it all being taken away.

            The Hispanic people are not coming to America to try and hurt Americans, but to survive. I visited one of the nicer factories in Mexico. The factory did not look like what you see in the movies. The factory had many expensive machines and it was surprisingly nice and clean. Many people worked in this factory and they looked to be doing great. As I talked with the people that ran this factory, they told me that the workers have plenty of opportunity to move up throughout the company. In order to move up they take part in training after work. The people in the factory work for 10 hours then can go to training classes for another 2.5 hours; sounds fun. I asked what an entry level position pays; he said “10 dollars”, that sounded weird, so I asked again and he said “yeah 10 dollars per day”. You wonder why the people from Mexico come to work in America. They are not coming to America because they want to, but if they want to survive they must. When these people come to America, they help the American economy while helping themselves. The plan McCain has put forth will help to make an easier and legal way for people to come to America for work and hopes of a better life.

            Migrant workers contribute huge volumes to America’s economy and in the 2000’s are more acceptable to the American people. Immigrants give America the cultural diversity that America is known for. In 2001 a Gallup survey states 45% of respondents agree that the increasing population diversity created by immigrants mostly improves American culture. We are slowly realizing that the diversity immigrants bring to America improves our country. It is estimated that about $10 billion is added to the economy each year buy immigrants. Just think how much more immigrants would be able to contribute to the economy if McCain’s plan is put into effect. Research and Essay by Nick Beal


"In November 1990 a new bill was signed into law that goes a step further in recognizing the demand of the U.S. labor market as a criterion for immigration. It allows a flexible cap of about 700,000 immigrants." Why Migration?" By Saskia Sassen


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