Class Analysis

Return to Vinay's Home Page Migration/immigration is a sensitive issue. But since taking a class about migration I discovered and learned about many new cultures. I never thought that there is a growing population of Asians in the upper North-East United States. I found the book "Crossing the Blvd" to be the most interesting. I really enjoyed reading about all the immigrants and refugees from their point of view, in addition to all the pictures and the various types of fonts. I would recommend that book to everyone who is curious about other cultures. I enjoyed the trip to Nogales, Mexico. That trip was very educational I thought it was important and interesting being in colonias. The simple life they lead with at times the bare minimum is remarkable, it really makes me appreciate what I own and the opportunity I have to gain those material belongings.  The movies shown in class about the Mexican immigrants helps to understand why they choose to migrate to the U.S.  In addition the presenters that came to class were very informative especially the IRC (Neal). After seeing their presentations it caught my interest to get involved in the organization. I would recommend this course to students no matter what their major maybe. 
Back to Migration Home Page                                                                                                      By. Vinay Singh