443: Anthropological
Field Methods
Fall Voyage 2006
Professor: Kristin
Arizona State University at the West
campus, Phoenix
Michael V. Angrosino, Doing Cultural
Anthropology: Projects for Ethnographic Data Collection.
Waveland Press 2002
Required Readings (available as pdf files):
Mikiko Ashikari, Urban Middle-Class Japanese Women and their White
Faces: Gender, Ideology, and Representation. Ethnos 31(1)2003:3-37
Theodore C. Bestor, Inquisitive Observation: Following Networks in
Urban Fieldwork. In: Doing
Fieldwork in Japan, ed. Bestor, Patricia G. Steinhoff, Victoria
Lyon Bestor, U Hawai’I Press 2003:315-334
Nicole Constable, Preface and “Pleasure & Power”, in her Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of
Filipina Workers, Cornell 1997:vii-xvii, 202-210
Mary Crain, The Remaking of an Andalusian Pilgrimage Tradition: Debates
Regarding Visual (Re)presentation and the Meanings of ‘Locality’ in a
Global Era. In: Culture Power Place:
Explorations in Critical Anthropology, ed. Gupta & Ferguson,
Duke 1997:291-311
Karin Dean, Spaces and Territorialities on the Sino-Burmese Boundary:
China, Burma and the Kachin. Political
Geography 24(2005):808-830
Sara Dickey, Cinema and the Urban
Poor in South India. Cambridge 1993:15-43
Clifford Geertz, Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight. In The Interpretation of Cultures. New
York, Basic Books 1973
Lada Cale Feldman, Ines Prica, Reana Senjkovic, eds., Poetics of
Resistance, in Fear, Death and
Resistance: An Ethnography of War: Croatia 1991-1992. Institute
of Ethnology & Folklore Research, Zagreb: Matrix Croatica X-Press
Farha Ghannam, Researching ‘Modern’ Cairo. In her: Remaking the Modern: space, Relocation,
and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo, U Cal P 2002:1-24
Farha Ghannam, Relocation and the Creation of a Global City. In her: Remaking the Modern: space, Relocation,
and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo, U Cal P
George Gmelch, Lessons from the Field. Annual Editions updated reprint,
Eric J. Haanstad, The Other City of Angels: Ethnography with the
Bangkok Police. In: Dispatches from
the Field: Neophyte Ethnographers in a Changing World, ed.
Andrew Gardner & David M. Hoffman, Waveland 2006:223-235 (culture
Mary E. Hancock, Modernities Remade: Hindu Temples And Their Publics in
Southern India. City & Society
Anders Baltzer Jorgensen/Rev. Harry Ignatious Marshall, Forward and
Preface to The Karen People of
Burma: A Study in Anthropology and Ethnology. Bangkok: White
Lotus Press 1997 (reprinted from 1922 edition with new forward)
Caroline Knowles, Here and There: Doing Transnational Fieldwork. In: Constructing the Field: Ethnographic
Fieldwork in the Contemporary World, Routledge 2000:54-70
Dorinne K. Kondo, The Eye/I. In her: Crafting
Selves: Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese
Workplace, U Chicago P 1990: 3-26
Nicholas D. Kristof, Who Needs Love! In Japan, Many Couples Don’t. Annual Editions reprint from New York Times Feb 11, 1996:1,12
George Marcus, Dar. Annual
Review of Anthropology 25(1995):95-117
Horace Miner, Body Ritual Among the Nacirema. Annual Editions in Anthropology 1988/89.
Ed. Elvio Angeloni. Dushkin 205-207. (orig 1956)
Serena Nanda, Arranging a Marriage in India. Annual Editions reprint from Stumbling Toward Truth: Anthropologists at
Work, ed Philip R. DeVita, Waveland 2000:196-204
Yael Navaro-Yasin, The Historical Construction of Local Culture. In: Istanbul—Between the Global and the Local,
ed. Caglar Keyder, Rowman & Littlefield 1999: 59-75
Maria B. Olujic, Embodiment of Terror: Gendered Violence in Peacetime
and Wartime in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Medical Anthropology Quarterly
Sudharak Olwe, Not
a Pretty Picture (on Mumbai's street workers).
Awatsaya Panam et al, Migrant
Domestic Workers: From Burma to Thailand. Thailand: Institute
for Population & Social Research (Mahidol University), 2004
Maria Papapavlou, The City as a Stage: Flamenco in Andalusian Culture. Journal of the Society for the
Anthropology of Europe 3(2) 2003:14-24
Irena Plejic, All that we had, all that we were, reduced to memories,
in Lada Cale Feldman, Ines Prica, Reana Senjkovic, eds., in Fear, Death and
Resistance: An Ethnography of War: Croatia 1991-1992. Institute
of Ethnology & Folklore Research, Zagreb: Matrix Croatica X-Press
Nives Ritig-Beljak,War Lunch, in Lada Cale Feldman, Ines Prica, Reana
Senjkovic, eds., Poetics of
Resistance, in Fear, Death and
Resistance: An Ethnography of War:
Croatia 1991-1992. Institute of Ethnology & Folklore
Research, Zagreb: Matrix Croatica X-Press 1993:163-176
Nawal El-Saadawi, The Mutilated Half: The Question that No One Would
Answer. In her The Hidden Face
of Eve. Boston: Beacon Press 1980:7-11.
Merrilee H Salmon and Elliott P. Skinner, Taking
Sides, Should Anthropologists Work to Eliminate the Practice of Female
Circumcision? In: Taking Sides:
Clashing Views in Cultural Anthropology, ed. Robert L Welsch
& Kirk M. Endicott. McGraw-Hill 2006:359-378
Christina Schwenkel, Recombinant History:
Transnational Practices of Memory and Knowledge Production in
Contemporary Vietnam. Cultural
Anthropology 21(1)2006:3-30
Monique Skidmore, Darker than Midnight: Fear, Vulnerability, and Terror
Making in Urban Burma (Myanmar). American
Ethnologist 30(1)2003:5-21
Alan Smart, Participating in the Global: Transnational Social Networks
and Urban Anthropology. City &
Society 11(1-2)1999:59-77
Maura Stephens, The
Heart Of Burma.
14 September 2005
(5 pp)
Liliana Suárez-Navaz, Introduction to her Rebordering the Mediterranean: Boundaries
and Citizenship in Southern Europe. Berghahn Books 2004:1-20
Megan Tracy, Erasing SARS: Outbreak Reflections on the Ethnographic
Process. In: Dispatches from the
Field: Neophyte Ethnographers in a Changing World, ed. Andrew
Gardner & David M. Hoffman, Waveland 2006:195-206
Takeyuki Tsuda, No Place to Call Home. Annual Editions reprint from Natural History, April 2004:50-55
Elizabeth F. Vann, The Limits of Authenticity in Vietnamese Consumer
Markets. American Anthropologist
Jenny B. White, Preface and Introduction, Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in
Urban Turkey. U Texas P 1994: ix-xii, 1-17
Jenny B. White, Bridge Between Europe and Asia, Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in
Urban Turkey. U Texas P 1994: 21-31
Tiantian Zheng, Consumption, Body Image, and Rural-Urban Apartheid in
Contemporary China. City &
Society 15(2)2003:143-163