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SEMS 441: Urban Anthro: Global Cities
SAS Fall Voyage 2006

Professor: Kristin Koptiuch, Arizona State University at the West campus, Phoenix

Primary Textbook:
John Rennie Short and Yeong-Hyun Kim, Globalization and the City. Prentice Hall 1999

Supplementary Required Readings (available as pdf files):

Charles Baudelaire, “The Eyes of the Poor” (“The Family of Eyes”), in his Paris Spleen (1869).  With commentary by Peter Jukes, A Shout in the Street: An Excursion in to the Modern City, 1991 105-107

Theodore C. Bestor, Supply-Side Sushi: Commodity, Market, And The Global City. American Anthropologist Mar 2001, Vol. 103, No. 1: 76-95. [Tokyo]

Mary Crain, The Remaking of an Andalusian Pilgrimage Tradition: Debates Regarding Visual (Re)presentation and the Meanings of ‘Locality’ in a Global Era. In: Culture Power Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology, ed. Gupta & Ferguson, Duke 1997:291-311

Eric Darton, The Janus Face of Architectural Terrorism: Minoru Yamasaki, Mohammed Atta, and Our World Trade Center. In: After the World Trade Center: Rethinking New York City, ed. Michael Sorkin & Sharon Zukin, Routledge 2002: 87-95

Mike Davis, The Urban Climacteric.  In: Planet of Slums, Routledge 2006

Mike Davis, The Prevalence of Slums.  In: Planet of Slums, Routledge 2006

Mike Davis, fragment on China and India. Planet of Slums, Routledge 2006

Edward Denison, Restoring History in China. OpenDemocracy Article (pdf) and photo essay in Flash,

Sara Dickey, Selections from her Cinema and the Urban Poor in South India. Cambridge 1993:15-29

Lada Cale Feldman, Ines Prica, Reana Senjkovic, eds., Fear, Death and Resistance: An Ethnography of War: Croatia 1991-1992. Institute of Ethnology & Folklore Research, Zagreb: Matrix Croatica X-Press 1993:
-----Poetics of Resistance, 1-4
-----Irena Plejic, All that we had, all that we were, reduced to memories, 229-239

Michel Foucault. Of Other Spaces (1967), Heterotopias.

John Friedmann, The World City Hypothesis. Development and Change 1986 . (The Global Cities Reader, ed. Brenner & Keil, Routledge 2006)

Sean Gallagher,
Beijing’s urban makeover: the ‘hutong’ destruction. Open Democracy 12 June 2006

Farha Ghannam, Relocation and the Daily Use of “Modern” Spaces. In her: Remaking the Modern: space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo, U Cal P 2002:42-

Farha Ghannam, Relocation and the Creation of a Global City. In her: Remaking the Modern: space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo, U Cal P 2002:25-42

Henry Glassie, Vernacular Architecture, Indiana UP 2000, selections 16-25, 31-36

Mary E. Hancock, Modernities Remade: Hindu Temples And Their Publics in Southern India. City & Society 14(1)2002:5-35

Ulf Hannerz, The Cultural Role of World Cities. From Transnational Connections 1996. (The Global Cities Reader, ed. Brenner & Keil, Routledge 2006)

Petra Kuppinger. Exclusive Greenery: New Gated Communities in Cairo. City & Society Dec 2004, Vol. 16, No. 2: 35-61.

Caglar Keyder, The Housing Market from Informal to Global. In: Istanbul—Between the Global and the Local, ed. Keyder,
Rowman & Litgtlefield 1999:143-159

Lisa Law, Defying Disappearance: Cosmopolitan Public Spaces In Hong Kong. Urban Studies, Vol. 39, No. 9, 1625–1645, 2002

Takashi Machimura, The Urban Restructuring Process in Tokyo in the 1980s: Transforming Tokyo into a World City. From International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 1992. (The Global Cities Reader, ed. Brenner & Keil, Routledge 2006)

Sudharak Olwe, Not a pretty picture: Mumbai's street workers. Open 18-2-2004 (photo essay)

Maria Papapavlou, The City as a Stage: Flamenco in Andalusian Culture. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 3(2) 2003:14-24

Saskia Sassen, Locating Cities on Global Circuits. From: Environment and Urbanization, 2002 (The Global Cities Reader, ed. Brenner & Keil, Routledge 2006)

Christina Schwenkel, Recombinant History: Transnational Practices of Memory and Knowledge Production in Contemporary Vietnam. Cultural Anthropology 21(1)2006:3-30

Donald M. Seekins, The State and the City: 1988 and the Transformation of Rangoon. Pacific Affairs 78(2)2005:257-275

Maura Stephens, The Heart Of Burma. 14 September 2005 (5 pp)

Neil Smith, Is Gentrification a Dirty Word? In: The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City,  Routledge 1996: 30-47

Liliana Suárez-Navaz, Introduction to Rebordering the Mediterranean: Boundaries and Citizenship in Southern Europe. Berghahn Books 2004:1-20

Elizabeth F. Vann, The Limits Of Authenticity in Vietnamese Consumer Markets. American Anthropologist Jun 2006, Vol. 108, No. 2: 286-296.

Anne Waldrop, Gating and Class Relations: the case of a New Delhi “colony.” City & Society, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 93–116

Jenny B. White, Bridge Between Europe and Asia, Money Makes Us Relatives: Women’s Labor in Urban Turkey. U Texas P 1994: 21-31

Fulong Wu, Transplanting Cityscapes: Townhouse and gated community in globalization and housing commodification. In: Globalization and the Chinese City, ed. Fulong Wu, Routledge 2006:190-207

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