

Crossing the Globe


Japan and Globaligration

Into the Hill Tribes of Vietnam

Ali and Me

Return To Sender

Yo Estoy Aqui

There and Back

Open Letter

Dear Peers

Julian Bailey

I congratulate you for reading this. If you have made it this far through my website about my discoveries regarding migrations and culture than you probably possess and interest in the topic. Let me start by saying, it is truly a fascinating subject. In the study of migration, we find it relates to every single one of us as living beings on earth. We all have ancestors that have settled in our countries we call home for a reason. Where did they come from? And why did they come here? If you don’t already know, I encourage you to question your ancestors about your family blood line and what it would look like on a map.

Over the past one hundred days I have had the opportunity to hear stories from people all over the world about where they come, how they got there, and where they want to go. Why did Salil move from Mumbai, India to Barcelona, Spain? How old was Janni when she moved from Brazil back to Japan? If you are from a land of less opportunity, how far will you go in order to reach the place you want to call home? We are extremely fortunate to be from a land of great opportunity, and if there is one thing I have learned on this voyage it is that the world is full of people hungry to build, help, and learn. 

Semester at Sea is an incredible journey that has gifted me the opportunity to meet some of these people. No matter what industry you may want to succeed in, increased global awareness will help you build your moral person, and desire to help others.

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