SBS 301
Fall 2001---Professor: Kristin Koptiuch
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Arizona State University West, Phoenix, Arizona

What are they??

Borderlands of Race/Ethnicity
Elda Luna
Learning Cultural Diversity through Language
Steven M. Jackson
What Scholarships?
Bonnie G.
A Loss of Innocence at the '64 World's Fair
White Supremacy Still Lives On
Kathy Lorenz
My Detroit Experience
Melissa LaFave
“I Hate You (Me)"
 Angelica H. Munoz 
Fighting for Your Rights
Rebecca Murillo
The Price Of Not Speaking Spanish
Victoria Sutton
Personal Ethnography
Jason Tarrant
More Than Just a Game
Judy Siegel 
One Turn Away From Fear
Student (name withheld by request)
White Tattoo
Frances Torrez
My Racist Friend

and Inter-Race
Janell Smith
My “Borderlands” of Race

Borderlands of (Trans)Nation
Michelle Wells
Sepideh Sefidvash-Hockley
The Pathos of My Diaspora
Billy Rountree
The Outsider
Allan Knopf
History Lesson at the Scout-o-Rama
Kyle Carr 
A Taste of the Language Barrier

Borderlands of Gender
Taryn Gibson
Annette Scroggins
A Double Whammy
Shannon Moloney 
Life?  For Boys Only

Borderlands of Class
Brooke VanAmburg
Green, the Color of Envy

Borderlands of Sexuality
Melissa Potter
Can I come out now?
Tara Perez
Southern Mountain Air
Jillian Brouillette 
The Experience That Changed My Perspective On Life

Borderlands of (Dis)Ability
Chantelle Fowler
Experiences That Determine One’s Overall Strength

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