Fall 2007---Professor: Kristin Koptiuch
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Arizona State University at the West campus, Phoenix, Arizona

What are they?

Borderlands of Race/Ethnicity
Kathy Banbrook, Unlearning Color Blindness
Kelly Blake, Corn Rows & Strawberry Shortcake
Andrew Doom, Professional Racists
Carol Curtsinger,  Thank You Bessie & Cecilia
John Prater, My Dinner with Robert
Alyssa Mayberry, Racial Discrimination from the Bench
Michael Swiderski, I Shouldn't Have Been So Surprised Brooke Bennett, The Canned Food Disaster
Stephanie Sumida, You Mean North Korea?
Alejandra Urquijo, Battle of the Languages Cinthia Valenzuela,  The Day I Became the Other Marquita Augustus, Road Trip to Texas
Christopher Gonzalez, Colorblindness at its Worst
Armando Lozano, Friend or Foe?
Michelle Swann, We Are Ever So Different
Lana Schmitt, Como Agua Para Café; How One Kitchen Taught Me un poco Español and a lot about Difference
Dan Avena, The Racist Friend

and Inter-race

Kayce Kinser, La Gringa Mexicana
Jessie Grant, Backyard Talk
Linda Candelario, No Vacancies?
Misty Smith, A Lesson Learned Too Young

Borderlands of
Class and (Trans)Nation

Yanting Chen, Why can’t he be an American? Stephan Badgett, Wide Eyed Renée Glass, A Tale of Convenience
Mary Lee Glassburn, A Class Act
Anda Neagoe, A New Beginning
Eva D. Torres, What a Young Guatemalan Boy Taught Me About the American Dream 
Monica Van Winkle, Aren’t you Mexican?

Borderlands of Gender and Sexuality

Sidney Anderson, Grandma Says “Girls Don’t Rule"

Megan Dryer, Can You Have Two Mommies? Jennie Does Wendy Kelly, Violence, She Told Me, Isn’t The Answer
Carly McVay, Hello and Hide Kitty
Priscilla Toro, Your Kind Should Die

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