
(3-d shot/reverse shot)


Upon entering the Casa De Pablo located on Central a half mile north of baseline in south Phoenix; I was overcome with the feeling that it might be closed. Absent were the numerous customers I had often seen fill the restaurants along Central Avenue south of the Salt River. But I was thirsty from a two and half-hour walk and thought I might take a chance. My eyes first came upon a woman, dressed conservatively and clearing a table, who looked in my direction and then looked away just as fast. Then at the counter, I noticed a woman standing idly by perhaps anticipating the arrival of more customers. “Are you open”, I asked.  Receiving no answer, I attempted again, “can we purchase two beer, a juice and some water.” Then the other woman who had been clearing the same table for what felt like 10 minutes, glared in my direction with no response. The woman behind the counter finally said yes, but I wasn’t quite sure if she really understood us or was intimidated by the chaos Rebecca, Amber, Cindy, Nikki and I seemed to have been causing.

Finally the lunch rush is over, I thought to myself while cleaning the last table of the day. I can count my tips and go home, but unfortunately I will be back tomorrow. Oh great, look at this coming through the door. Hopefully if I ignore them and finish my duties I can be sent home.  Besides, I don’t want to wait on any more customers. Rosa can take care of them. Why don’t they just grab what they need and sit down we will get them their check. Where did these girls come from anyway? Just what we need around here is another stupid gringa wandering around! Well, I am done for the day. Maybe I will stay to keep Rosa company while these kids are here.

Finally the lunch rush if over, I thought as I braced myself against the counter. My body is not as young as it used to be especially when you are the owner and need to keep watch. Camilla can go home, because by dinnertime Louisa will be in for her shift, hopefully on time. Then I hear the front door open and look up to see five young girls staggering in—are they lost. With any luck, they might just be asking for direction. One of the two young blondes asks me if we’re open—well the door is not locked is it! So I wait for them to order or have a seat. Then they ask if the can order drinks, sure so start. Nobody speaks the silence is a bit uncomfortable. “What do you want?” It looks like they are staying but why here. I bet Camilla is thinking what I am thinking. Just what we need around here is another stupid gringa wandering around! I think I will see if Camilla will clean the bathrooms so I have company while they are here.

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