Learning From South Phoenix

ASU West                    Professor Koptiuch                    Spring 2002 


For Readings Posted On Electronic Reserves For The Course

Baudelaire, Charles 
1869 “The Eyes of the Poor” (“The Family of Eyes”), in his Paris Spleen.With commentary by Peter Jukes, A Shout in the Street: An Excursion into the Modern City, 1991 105-107.

Blake, Kevin S.& Daniel D. Arreola 

        1996“Residential Subdivision Identity in Metropolitan Phoenix,” Landscape Journal 15(1):23-35

Boyer, M. Christine 

        1994“Inversions of Public and Private Space,” from The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments.MIT Press, 7-10

Brunk, Linda M. 

        1996“A Federal Legacy: Phoenix’s Cultural Geography.”Palo Verde (ASU West Magazine of Student Writing and Art), 4(1):60-75

Burns, Elizabeth K. & Patricia Gober

        1998“Job Linkages in Inner-City Phoenix.”Urban Geography 19(1):12-23

Davis, Mike

        1995"Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control and the Ecology of Fear" Mediamatic 8(2/3); go to web site http://www.mediamatic.nl/Magazine/8_2/Davis-Urban.html

Franco, Jean

        1985NYC is a Third-World City. Tabloid: A Review of Mass Culture and Everyday Life (9):12-33.

Garreau, Joel 

1991Edge City: Life on the New Frontier.Doubleday.Selections:xi-15, 183-208 (Phoenix)

Goldberg, David Theo 

        1993“‘Polluting the Body Politic’ Race and Urban Location.”In his Racist Culture.Blackwell:185-205, 264-268 (notes) 

Gonzalez, Robert Alexander

        1999“Learning from East L.A.” In La Vida Latina En L.A.:Urban Latino Cultures. Gustavo Leclerc, Raul Villa, Michael J. Dear, eds.Sage, 185-197

Guterson, David 

        1992“No Place Like Home: On the Manicured Streets of a Master-Planned Community,” Harpers MagazineNov. 55-64. 

Koptiuch, Kristin

        1997Third-Worlding at Home. In Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology. A. Gupta and J. Ferguson, eds. Pp. 234-248. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Reprinted from Social Text28:87-99.

Luckingham, Bradford

1989Phoenix: The History of a Southwestern Metropolis.Tucson: Univ of Az Press—Selections with mention of South Phoenix and/or racial/ethnic minorities:1-11 (intro), 32-35, 50-53, 94-101, 116-125, 168-177, 212-221, 254-257

McKenzie, Evan

1994“Conclusion: Reflections on Privatopia and the city” in Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government.New Haven: Yale Univ Press, 175-197

Muschamp, Herbert

        1995“Things Generally Wrong in the Universe.” In Mortal City, Peter Lang, ed. Princeton Architectural Press, 103-107

Olalquiaga, Celeste

        1992Tupinicopolis, The City of Retrofuturistic Indians. In Megalopolis: Contemporary Cultural Sensibilities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.75-83.

Phillips, Susan A. 

        2001El Nuevo Mundo: The Landscape of Latino Los Angeles. Photographs by Camilo Jose Vergara,” American Anthropologist 103(1):175-188

Rojas, James

        1999The Latino Use of Urban Space in East Los Angeles.In La Vida Latina en L.A.: Urban Latino Cultures.Gustavo Leclerc, Raul Villa, Michael Dear, eds.Sage. 131-138

Rosaldo, Renato

        1989Imperialist Nostalgia. Representations 26(Spring):107-122.

Rose, Tricia

        1996A Style Nobody Can Deal With: Politics, Style, and the Postindustrial City in Hip Hop. In Mapping Multiculturalism. A.F. Gordon and C. Newfield, eds. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 424-444.

Smith, Neil 

        1996New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City.Routledge. “Is Gentrification a Dirty Word?” 30-47, “Local Arguments: from ‘Consumer sovereignty’ to the rent gap” 51-74. 

Sorkin, Michael 

1992“Introduction: Variations on a Theme Park,” from Sorkin, ed. Variations on a Theme Park.Noonday Press, xi-xv

Venturi, Robert, Denise Scott Brown, & Steven Izenour

        1972Learning From Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of Architectural Form.Cambridge: MIT Press. [Recommended book on reserve in Fletcher Library]

Vergara, Camilo José

        1995“Bunkering the Poor: Our Fortified Ghettos,” In Mortal City, Peter Lang, ed. Princeton Architectural Press, 18-27

Ward, Yolanda 

        1979?“Spatial Deconcentration” (circa 1979)--go to web site to read this article: http://eserver.org/art/spatial-deconcentration.txt

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