old subdivision


Subdivision Identity & Landscape Survey Data Sheet

Subdivision name

7th Ave to Central and from S. Mountain Ave to Euclid (Happy Homes)


Years built

 About 1960

Development type

(master planned, tract, custom)

Master planned

Mean house value or range

$120,000 –  $160,000

Ethnicity & race

(% Anglo/Black /Hispanic)

60% Hispanic, 25% Anglo, 15% Black

Number of houses

About 150

Identity tag

(based on team members’ fieldwork observations, with brief gloss)

 Signs of removed tagging visible.




Subdivision Landscape Signatures




Epitome spaces


House style variety

Yes house style varies but are duplicated throughout the neighborhood

Size of lots & homes

¼ of an acre (lot)

Turf markers

Turf markers are the main streets which are wider than the neighborhood streets


Mobile home park w/ community park and mailboxes. 20-30






Anti-crime features

Police stickers windows and police driving through neighborhood to police academy

Front yard enclosures

Very few

House ornamentation

Yes mostly suns and moons

House color variety

Yes multiply colors

Individualistic mailboxes

 2-3 cow print and 5-6 house shaped mailboxes

Planting type (grass, xeriscape, desert…)

Mostly grass , some desert landscapes with real saguaro cactus

Yard art

Statues of dogs, Indian and Hispanic art, and flags
