The Neighborhood




Wouldn't it be great to have a market in your neighborhood.  It would make me very happy.  It beats having to drive a couple of miles and getting stuck in traffic for something little.  The thought of having a market in the neighborhood is perfect, not to mention convenient.   Its easy access for families who don't have a way to get to the local market and also a good source of exercise since you'll be walking and carrying groceries. Living in a neighborhood with a market is getting a bonus for just living there.


The La Esquina Market is located in a small neighborhood just west of Alta Vista and Central.  The market is not a little building on the corner of the street, but actually a part of a home.  Yes a home. If you were to look inside the store and gaze through the door behind the cash register you will find a kitchen and a living room.  Cool huh??


Inside the store you can find all sorts of meats, vegetables, household products, pretty much anything you would find in a regular grocery store.  But what really made my eye open was the authentic selections of candy from Mexico.  It ranged from peppered mango lollipops to little packages of Limon (looks like salt, but taste like lemon).  Sounds yummy.  To bad I couldn't take pictures because if I did than your mouth would be watering just like my was.




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