Kurt VanLehn
Last update: April 7,2017
Current funded projects
- FACT: Formative Assessment with Computing Technology: The intelligence of a tutoring system is used to assist middle school and high school math teachers as they walk around their classroom helping pairs of students explore complex mathematical activities on tablets.
- Dragoon To really understand a complex system, nothing beats modeling it, which is why modeling has been prominent in recent standards for math and science. Dragoon allows instructors to author effective instruction in modeling which includes students constructing models with help from an intelligent tutoring system.
- TopoMath: Algebra word problems are an early and notoriously difficult introduction to mathematical modelling. The goal of the TopoMath project is to get students to master this difficult skill in 20 hours of instruction. The instruction combines an intelligent tutoring system, a direct-graph notation for equations, an adaptive learning management system, and a variety of in-class activities.
- OPE: Organic chemistry Practice Environment: Students at ASU in Prof. Gould's sections of CHM 233 and CHM 234 use software that both helps them study more efficiently and helps them understand the underlying mechanisms of organic reactions.
Long term project
- I'm writing an introduction to intelligent tutoring systems.
Completed projects with web pages
- LAITS: Learning by Authoring Intelligent Tutoring Systems: In sustainability classes at ASU, students use LAITS to construct intelligent tutoring systems that teach their fellow students about ecosystems. When tutees disagree with the tutor, productive scientific discussions should emerge between the tutees and the authors of the tutor.
- AMT: Affective Meta Tutor: AMT is combination of a teachable agent, a meta-tutoring system and an affective learning companion. The affective learning companion's behavior is driven by physiological sensing of the student's affective state.
- PSLC: A research center dedicated to understanding robust learning
- Andes: An intelligent tutoring system for physics used at multiple universities and high schools
- Tutoring Scientific Explanations via Natural Language Dialogue: A physics tutoring system that combines natural language with menus, equations and other formal language
- Why2000 : A natural language tutoring system for qualitative physics explanations
- DT Tutor: A decision theoretic tutoring system
- An advanced geometry intelligent tutoring system
- Cascade: Towards a theory of cognitive skill acquisition.
- Work Sim: Workplace simulations in schools.