Articles and Chapters

LeCroy, Craig W., & Okamoto, S. (2002).  Guidelines for using assessment instruments with children. In A. R. Roberts & G. J. Greene (Eds.). Social Work Desk Reference (213-216). New York: Oxford University Press.

LeCroy, Craig W. (2002).  Child therapy and social skills. In A. R. Roberts & G. J. Greene (Eds.). Social Work Desk Reference (pp.406-412). New York: Oxford University Press.

Krysik, J., & LeCroy, C. W. (2002).Empirical validation of an instrument to predict risk of recidivism among juvenile offenders. Research on Social Work Practice, 12, 71-81.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Archer, J. (2001).  Teaching social skills: A board game approach. In C. Schaefer & S. E. Reid (eds.), Game Play: Therapeutic use of Childhood Games (2nd Edition) (pp. 331-334). New York: John Wiley.

LeCroy, Craig W., Stevenson, P., & McNeil, G. (2000). Systems considerations in treating juvenile offenders with mental disorders. In B. Sales & J. Ashford (eds.), Treatment considerations in working with mentally disordered offenders. American Psychological Association.

LeCroy, Craig W. (2001).  Promoting social competence in youth. In H. E. Briggs & K. Corcoran (Eds.), Social work practice: Treating common problems. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, Craig W. (2000).  Supervision, aftercare, and recidivism prevention of offenders with special needs. In B. Sales & J. Ashford (eds.), Treatment considerations in working with mentally disordered offenders. American Psychological Association.

MacNeil, G., Kaufman, A. V., Dressler, W. W. & LeCroy, Craig W. (1999).  Psychosocial moderators of substance use among middle school-aged adolescents. Journal of Drug Education, 29, 25-39.

LeCroy, C. W., Daley, J. M., & Milligan, K. B (1999).  Social skills for the 21st Century. In R. Constable, S. McDonald, & J. P. Flynn (eds)., School Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research Perspectives. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Press.

MacNeil, G., & LeCroy, Craig W. (1997).  Promoting social competence among severely emotionally disturbed youth: Development of a social competence inventory. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 15, 63-78.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, Craig W. (1998).  Juvenile parole policy in the United States: Determinate versus indeterminate models. Article reprinted in: B. W. Hancock, & P. Sharp (Eds.), Juvenile Delinquency: Historical, Theoretical, and Societal Reactions to Youth, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Brooks, A. J., Stuewig, J., & LeCroy, Craig W. (1998). A family based model of Hispanic adolescent substance use. Journal of Drug Education, 28, 65-86.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Milligan, K. (1996).  Promoting children's social competence in the schools. In R. Constable, J. P. Flynn, & S. McDonald (Eds.), School Social Work: Practice and Research Perspectives. Chicago, IL: Lyceum.

Hohman, M., & LeCroy, Craig W. (1996).  Predictors of adolescent A.A. affiliation. Adolescence, 31, 339-352.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Ryan, L. (1993).  Designing a model curriculum for children's mental health. Journal of Social Work Education, 318-327.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1994).  Should effect sizes be used in social work research? In P. Nurius & W. Hudson (Eds.), Controversial Issues

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, C.W. (1993).  Juvenile parole policy in the United States: Determinate versus indeterminate models. Justice Quarterly, 10, 179-195.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Ashford, J. B. (1992).  Children's mental health: Current findings and research directions. In Social Work Research and Abstracts,28, 13- 20.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Ashford, J. B. (1992).  Same article as above, reprinted in S. Buttrick (ed.), Research on Children. Silver Springs, MD: National Association of Social Workers, pp. 14-24.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1992).  Enhancing the delivery of effective mental health services to children. Social Work, 37, 225-233.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Ismail, B. (1991).  Case Study: An intensive case analysis. In M. Macht & J. B. Ashford, Introduction to social work and social welfare. New York: Merrill.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1991).  A model curriculum for training social workers for practice with severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. In Child and adolescent mental health: Challenges for social work education and practice. Berkeley, CA: National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Milligan, K. B. (1991).  Promoting social competence in the schools. In R. Constable, J. Flynn, & S. MacDonald (Eds.), School social work: Practice and research perspectives, Chicago: IL: Lycem Press.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Solomon, G. (1993).  Content analysis. In R. Grinnell (Ed.), Social work research and evaluation, Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock Publishers (304-330).

LeCroy, Craig W. (1992).  A social skills group for children. In C. LeCroy (ed.), Case Studies in Social Work Practice. Monterey, CA: Wadsworth.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1992).  Promoting social competence in youth. In K. Corcoran (Ed.), Structuring Change, Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books (167-180).

LeCroy, Craig W. (1990).  Opening the door to knowledge utilization. In Videka-Sherman & W. J. Reid (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Social Work Research, New York: National Association of Social Workers, 261-264.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, Craig W.*, (1991).  Problem solving and social work practice: Implications for knowledge utilization. Research on Social Work Practice, 1, 306-318.

Rose, S. D., & LeCroy, Craig W. (1991).  Group methods. In F. H. Kanfer & A. P. Goldstein (Eds.), Helping People Change: A Textbook of Methods, New York: Pergamon Press.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Tolman, R.* (1991).  Single-system design use by behavior therapists: Implications for social work. Journal of Social Service Research, 14, 45-56.

Ashford, J.B. & LeCroy, Craig W.*, (1990).  Juvenile recidivism: A comparison of three prediction instruments. Adolescence, XXV, 441-450.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Ashford, J. (1989).  Behavioral approaches to treating the serious juvenile offender. In B. Thyer (Ed.), Behavioral Family Therapy , Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

LeCroy, C. W., Carrol, P., Nelson-Becker, H., & Sturlaugson, P. (1989).  An experimental evaluation of the Caring Days technique. Family Relations, 38, 15- 18.

LeCroy, C. W., Ashford, J., & Macht, M. (1989).  A framework for analyzing knowledge utilization in social work practice. Journal of Sociology and SocialWelfare, XVI, 3-18.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, C. W.* (1988).  Predicting recidivism: An evaluation of the Wisconsin juvenile probation and aftercare risk instrument. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 15, 141-151.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, Craig W.* (in press).  Placing juvenile offenders in residential treatment: A decision making model. Residential Treatment for Children and Adolescents, 5, 33-42.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1988).  Anger management or anger expression: Which is more effective? Residential Treatment for Children and Adolescents, 5, 29-39.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1988).  Parent-adolescent intimacy: Impact on parent adolescent functioning. Adolescence, XXIII, 137-147.

LeCroy, Craig W., & Goodwin, C. C. (1988).  New directions in teaching social work methods: A content analysis of course outlines. Journal of Social Work Education, 24, 43-49.

Ashford, J. B., & LeCroy, C. W.* (1988).  Decision making for juvenile offenders in aftercare. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 39, 47-54.

Hudson, W. W., & LeCroy, C. W. (1987).  Applied measurement theory in behavior therapy. Corrective and Social Psychiatry and Journal of Behavior Technology Methods and Therapy, 33, 237-242.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1987).  A model for involving fathers in family treatment. Family Therapy, XIV, 237-245.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1986).  An analysis of the effects of gender on outcome in group treatment with young adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 15, 497-508.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1987).  Methodological issues in the evaluation of social work practices: Author's reply. Social Service Review, 61, 168-170.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1987).  Teaching children social skills: A game format. Social Work, 32, 440-442.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1986).  Social Competence Training. In R. Feldman (Ed.), Advances in Adolescent Mental Health, Vol. 2, 101-114.

LeCroy, Craig W., Ashford, J. B., & Hudson, W. W. (1986).  Clinical social work: Fictions, factions, and future directions. Urban and Social Change Review, 19, 8-13.

LeCroy, Craig W. and Rank, Mark R. (1986).  Factors associated with burnout in the social services: An exploratory study. Journal of Social Service Research, 10, 23-40.

LeCroy, Craig W. and Rose, S. D. (1986).  Helping children cope with stress. Social Work in Education, 9, 5-15.

LeCroy, Craig W. and Rose, S. D. (1986).  Evaluation of preventive interventions for enhancing social competence in adolescents. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 1986, 22, 8-17.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1985). Methodological issues in the evaluation of Social Work practice. Social Service Review, 59, 345-357.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1985).  Residential treatment for adolescents: Toward improved services. Practice Applications, 3, 1-12.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1987).  Residential treatment for adolescents: Toward improved services. (Same as above article), was translated into Chinese for the Community Development Journal, 39, 41-46.

Rose, S. D. and LeCroy, Craig W. (1985).  Improving children's social competence: A multimodel behavioral group approach. In S. Ross and D. Upper (Eds.), Handbook of Group Therapy, New York: Plenum Press.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1984).  Residential treatment services: A review of some current trends. Child Care Quarterly, 13, 83-97.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1983).  Social skills training with adolescents: A review. In C. W. LeCroy (Ed.), Social Skills Training for Children and Youth. New York: Haworth Press.

Rose, S. D. and LeCroy, C. W. (1983).  Group therapy: A behavioral and cognitive perspective. In E. Walker (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology, Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.

Rank, M. and LeCroy, C. W. (1983).  Toward a multiple perspective in family theory and practice: The case of social exchange theory, symbolic interactionism, and conflict theory. Family Relations, 32, 441-448.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1983).  Social-cognitive group work with children. Behavior Group Therapy, 5, 9-12.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1982).  Practitioner competence in social work: Training and evaluation. Journal of Social Service Research, 5, 71-83.

LeCroy, Craig, W., Koeplin-LeCroy, M., and Long, J. (1982).  Preventive intervention through parent training programs. Social Work in Education, 4, 53-62.

LeCroy, Craig W. (1982).  Teaching social skills to children in the schools. In J. P. Flynn and R. Constable (Eds.), School Social Work: Practice, Research and Theory, Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.

LeCroy, C. W. and Flynn, J. P. (1982).  Journal reports of school social work practice and research. In J. P. Flynn and R. Constable (Eds.), School Social Work: Practice, Research and Theory, Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.

LeCroy, C. W. and Goodwin, D. L. (1981).  Behavioral consultation and applied behavior analysis in the classroom. School Social Work Quarterly, 1, 219-228.

Pawlak, E. and LeCroy, C. W. (1981).  Critical incident recording for supervision and treatment in group practice. Social Work With Groups, 4, 181-191.

* represents equal authorship
