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view/download model file: NowakMaysBase.1.4.nlogo
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(models in the NetLogo Models Library and elsewhere which are of related interest)
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globals [ tempScore bestNeighborScore bestNeighborStrat ] patches-own [ coop? ;; cooperate=1, defect=0 score ;; total of newCoop? ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Setup Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca ifelse mandala [ ask patches [ ifelse (pxcor = 0 and pycor = 0) [ set coop? 0 set pcolor red ] [ set coop? 1 set pcolor blue ] ] ] [ ask patches [ ifelse random 101 > percentDefectors [set coop? 1] [set coop? 0] ifelse (coop? = 1) [set pcolor blue ] [set pcolor red ] ] ] reset-ticks end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Go Procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go ask patches [ set score 0 ] playPD assessStrategy updateStrategy tick if stopRun and ticks >= numTicks [ stop ] end to playPD ask patches [ set tempScore 0 ifelse coop? = 0 [ ask neighbors4 [ if [coop?] of self = 1 [set tempScore tempScore + b] ] ] [ask neighbors4 [ if [coop?] of self = 1 [set tempScore tempScore + 1] ] ] set score tempScore ] end to assessStrategy ask patches [ ask max-one-of neighbors [score] [ set bestNeighborScore [score] of self set bestNeighborStrat [coop?] of self ] ifelse coop? = 0 [ ifelse bestNeighborScore > [score] of self [ ifelse (bestNeighborStrat = 1) [set newCoop? 1 set pcolor green] [set newCoop? 0 set pcolor red] ] [set newCoop? 0 set pcolor red ] ] [ ifelse bestNeighborScore > [score] of self [ ifelse (bestNeighborStrat = 1) [ set newCoop? 1 set pcolor blue] [set newCoop? 0 set pcolor yellow] ] [ set newCoop? 1 set pcolor blue ] ] ] end to updateStrategy ask patches [ set coop? newCoop? ] end to recoverMandala ifelse coop? = 0 [ ifelse bestNeighborScore > [score] of self [ ifelse (bestNeighborStrat = 1) [ set pcolor green] [ set pcolor red] ] [ set pcolor red ] ] [ ifelse bestNeighborScore > [score] of self [ ifelse (bestNeighborStrat = 1) [ set pcolor blue] [ set pcolor yellow] ] [ set pcolor blue ] ] end to spreadColor diffuse pcolor spread ask patches [set pcolor pcolor + Adjust] tick if stopRun and ticks >= numTicksMore [ stop ] if ticks = 800 [ set spread .8 ] end