Refereed Articles:


Forthcoming Dulce Medina and Cecilia Menjívar. “A Context of Return Migration: Challenges of Mixed-status Families in Mexico’s Schools.” Ethnic and Racial Studies


William Simmons, Cecilia Menjívar and Michelle Téllez. 2015. “Violence and Vulnerability of Female Migrants in Drop Houses in Arizona: The Predictable Outcome of a Chain Reaction of Violence.” Violence Against Women DOI: 10.1177/1077801215573331


María E. Enchautegui and Cecilia Menjívar. 2015. “Paradoxes of Family Reunification Law: Family Separation and Reorganization Under the Current Immigration Regime.” Law & Policy  DOI: 10.1111/lapo.12030


Haruna Fukui and Cecilia Menjívar. 2015. “Bound by Inequality: The Social Capital of Older Asian and Latinos.” Ethnography DOI: 10.1177/1466138114565550


Cecilia Menjívar. 2015. “Law beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Borders in an Era of Securitization.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 10: 353-369


Jennifer Arney and Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Medicalization of Emotionality in DTCA: Techniques Used to Expand the Antidepressant Market.” Sociological Inquiry, 84 (4): 519-544


Victor Agadjanian, Evgenia Gorina, and Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Economic Incorporation, Civil Inclusion, and Social Ties: Plans to Return Home among Central Asian Migrant Women in Moscow, Russia.” International Migration Review, 48 (3): (3): 577-603 *lead article


Elizabeth Aranda, Cecilia Menjívar and Katharine M. Donato. 2014. “The Spillover Consequences of an Enforcement-First U.S. Immigration Regime.” American Behavioral Scientist, American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (13): 1687-1695.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. The “Poli-Migra”: Multi-layered legislation, Enforcement practices, And What We Can Kearn about and from Today’s Approaches.” American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (13): 1805-1819.


Silvia Dominguez and Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Beyond Individual and Visible Acts of Violence: A Framework to Examine the Lives of Women in Low-Income Neighborhoods.” Women's Studies International Forum, 44 (1): 184-195


Carlos Santos and Cecilia Menjívar. 2013. “Youth’s Perspective on Senate Bill 1070 in Arizona: The Socio-economic Effects of Immigration Policy.” Association of Mexican-American Educators (AMAE) Journal, Special invited issue, 7 (2): 7-17 *lead article


Cecilia Menjívar. 2013. “Central American Immigrant Workers and Legal Violence in Phoenix, Arizona.” Latino Studies, 11 (2): 228-252


Zeynep Kilic and Cecilia Menjívar. 2013. “Fluid Adaptation of Contested Identities: Second Generation Turks in Germany and the United States.” Social Identities, 19 (2): 204-220


Tanya Golash-Boza and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Causes and Consequences of International Migration: Sociological Evidence for the Right to Mobility.” International Journal of Human Rights, 16 (8): 1213-1227


Cecilia Menjívar and Leisy J. Abrego. 2012. “Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants.” American Journal of Sociology, 117 (5): 1380-1421


·         Best Article Award, Latino/a Section, American Sociological Association, 2014

·         Best Article Award, Latino Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association 2013


          Spanish translation: “Violencia Legal: Ley de inmigración y las vidas de los migrantes centroamericanos,” en Visiones de Acá y de Allá: Implicaciones de la política migratoria en comunidades de origen Mexicano y Latino de los Estados Unidos y México,” edited by Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez, Roberto Sánchez and Mariángela Rodríguez Nicholls. México D.F.: Editorial Porrúa. 


Olivia Salcido and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Gendered Paths to Legal Citizenship: The Case of Latin-American Immigrants in Phoenix.” Law & Society Review 46 (2): 335-369.


Nels Paulson and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Religion, the State, and Disaster Relief in the United States and India.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32 (3-4): 179-196.


Aysem R. Şenyürekli and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Turkish Immigrants’ Hopes and Fears Around Return Migration.” International Migration, 50 (1): 3-19 (*lead article)


Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Transnational Parenting and Immigration Law: The Case of Central Americans in the United States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38 (2): 301-322


Jørgen Carling, Cecilia Menjívar, and Leah Schmalzbauer. 2012. “Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38 (2): 191-217


Cecilia Menjívar. 2011. “The Power of the Law: Central Americans’ Legality and Everyday Life in Phoenix, Arizona.” Latino Studies, 9 (4): 377-395 (*lead article)


Victor Agadjanian and Cecilia Menjívar. 2011. “Fighting Down the Scourge, Building up the Church: Organizational Constraints in Religious Involvement with HIV/AIDS in Mozambique.” Global Public Health, 6 (2): S148-S162


Leisy Abrego and Cecilia Menjívar. 2011. “Immigrant Latina Mothers as Targets of Legal Violence.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 37 (1): 9-26 (*lead article)


Sean McKenzie and Cecilia Menjívar. 2011. “The Meanings of Migration, Remittances, and Gifts: The views of Honduran Women Who Stay.” Global Networks: a Journal of Transnational Affairs, 11 (1): 63-81.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2010. “Immigrants, Immigration, and Sociology: Reflecting on the State of the Discipline.” Inaugural Sociological Inquiry Distinguished Essay, Sociological Inquiry, 80 (1): 3-26.


Lilian Chavez and Cecilia Menjívar. 2010. “Children Without Borders: A Mapping of the Literature on Unaccompanied Migrant Children to the United States.” Migraciones Internacionales, 5 (3): 71-111.


Adrian Pantoja, Cecilia Menjívar and Lisa Magaña. 20008. “The Spring Marches of 2006: Latinos, Immigration, and Political Mobilization in the 21st

Century.” American Behavioral Scientist, 52 (4): 499-506


Cecilia Menjívar. 2008.  “Corporeal Dimensions of Gender Violence: Women’s Self and Body in Eastern Guatemala.” Studies in Social Justice, 2(1): 12-26


Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Educational Hopes, Documented Dreams: Guatemalan and Salvadoran Immigrants’ Legality and Educational Prospects.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 620 (1): 177-193


Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Violence and Women’s Lives in Eastern Guatemala: A Conceptual Framework.” Latin American Research Review 43 (3): 109-136.


          A version was published as “Violence and Women’s Lives in Eastern Guatemala: A Conceptual Framework.” Women and Development Working Paper Series, #290 (refereed), Michigan State University.


Victor Agadjanian and Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Talking through the “Epidemic of the Millennium”: Congregation-based informal communication about HIV/AIDS in Mozambique.” Social Problems 55 (3): 301-321 (*lead article)


Cecilia Menjívar and Victor Agadjanian. 2007. “Men’s Migration and Women’s Lives: Views from Rural Armenia and Guatemala.” Social Science Quarterly 88 (5): 1243-1262.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Public Religion and Immigration across National Borders.” American Behavioral Scientist, 49 (11): 1447-1454


Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Global Processes and Local Lives: Guatemalan Women’s Work at Home and Abroad.” International Labor and Working Class History 70 (1): 86-105.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Family Reorganization in a Context of Legal Uncertainty: Guatemalan and Salvadoran Immigrants in the United States.” International Journal of Sociology of the Family (special issue on Globalization and the Family), 32 (2): 223-245.


*Reprinted in pp. 90-114, Globalization and the Family, edited by Nazli Kibria and Sunil Kukreja. New Delhi, India: Ashwin-Anoka Press, 2007.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Liminal Legality: Salvadoran and Guatemalan Immigrants’ Lives in the United States.” American Journal of Sociology, 111 (4): 999-1037.


*Featured in Discoveries: New and Noteworthy Social Research, as “Between ‘documented’ and ‘undocumented.’” Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds, 5 (4): 8-9 (2006)


Michelle Moran-Taylor and Cecilia Menjívar. 2005. “Unpacking Notions of Return: Guatemalan and Salvadoran Migrants in Phoenix.” International Migration, 43 (4): 91-131.


Cecilia Menjívar and Cindy Bejarano. 2004. “Latino Immigrants’ Perceptions of Crime and of Police Authorities: A Case Study From the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 27(1): 120-148.


Cecilia Menjívar.  2003. “Reflections from One Latino Field: Notes from Research among Central Americans in the United States.” Cahiers des Amériques Latines, 42 (1): 69-80.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2003. “Religion and Immigration in Comparative Perspective: Salvadorans in Catholic and Evangelical Communities in San Francisco, Phoenix, and Washington D.C.” Sociology of Religion, 64 (1): 21-45.


          ٭Featured in Discoveries: New and Noteworthy Social Research, as “Different Paths to Americanism,” Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds, 3 (2): 9 (2004)


Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “Structural Changes and Gender Relations in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Journal of Developing Societies, 18 (2-3): 1-10.


Cecilia Menjívar and Sang Kil. 2002. “For Their Own Good: Benevolent Rhetoric and Exclusionary Language in Public Officials’ Discourse on Immigrant-related Issues” Social Justice, 29(1-2): 160-176.


Cecilia Menjívar and Olivia Salcido. 2002. “Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence: Common Experiences in Different Countries.” Gender & Society, 16 (6): 898-920.


          *Reprinted in pp. 123-136, Gender Through the Prism of Difference, edited by Maxine Baca Zinn, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Michael A. Messner. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 (3rd edition).


Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “The Ties that Heal: Guatemalan Immigrant Women’s Networks and Medical Treatment.” International Migration Review, 36 (2): 437-466.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “Living in two worlds?: Guatemalan-origin children in the United States and emerging transnationalism.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28 (3): 531-552.


Cecilia Menjívar. 2001. “Latino Immigrants and Their Perceptions of Religious Institutions: Cubans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans in Phoenix, AZ.” Migraciones Internacionales 1 (1): 65-88. (Invited, refereed article for inaugural issue.)


Emily Skop and Cecilia Menjívar. 2001. “Phoenix: The Newest Latino Immigrant Gateway?” Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook, 63: 63-76.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1999. “Religious Institutions and Transnationalism: A Case Study of Catholic and Evangelical Salvadoran Immigrants.” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 12 (4): 589-612.


*Translated into Spanish and published in Istmo: Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Centroamericanos, Vol. 8, 2004.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1999. “The Intersection of Work and Gender: Central American Immigrant Women and Employment in California.” American Behavioral Scientist, 42(4): 595-621.


* Reprinted in pp. 101-126, Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends, edited by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.


Cecilia Menjívar, Julie Davanzo, Lisa Greenwell, and R. Burciaga Valdez. 1998. “Remittance Behavior of Filipino and Salvadoran Immigrants in Los Angeles.” International Migration Review, 32 (1): 99-128.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1997. “Immigrant Kinship Networks and the Impact of the Receiving Context: Salvadorans in San Francisco in the early 1990s.” Social Problems, 44 (1): 104-123.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1997. “Immigrant Kinship Networks: The Case of Vietnamese, Salvadoreans, and Mexicans in Comparative Perspective” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 28 (1): 1-24. (*lead article)


Cecilia Menjívar. 1996. Continiudad, transformación o ruptura?: las experiencias de refugiadas salvadoreñas en Estados Unidos” Revista Mundial de Sociología 2: 51-84.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1995. “Kinship Networks Among Recent Immigrants: Lessons from a Qualitative Comparative Approach” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 36 (3-4): 97-109.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1995. “Immigrant Social Networks: Implications and Lessons for Policy.” Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy 8: 35-59.


Cecilia Menjívar. 1994. “Salvadorean Migration to the United States in the 1980s: What Can We Learn About it and From it?” International Migration 32 (3): 371-401. (*lead article)


Cecilia Menjívar. 1993. “History, Economy, and Politics: Macro and Micro-level Factors in Recent Salvadorean Migration to the United States.” Journal of Refugee Studies 6 (4): 350-371.