Forthcoming Dulce Medina and Cecilia Menjívar. “A Context of Return Migration: Challenges of
Mixed-status Families in Mexico’s Schools.” Ethnic
and Racial Studies
William Simmons, Cecilia Menjívar and Michelle Téllez. 2015. “Violence and Vulnerability of Female Migrants in Drop
Houses in Arizona: The Predictable Outcome of a Chain Reaction of Violence.” Violence Against
Women DOI:
María E. Enchautegui and Cecilia Menjívar. 2015. “Paradoxes of Family Reunification Law: Family
Separation and Reorganization Under the Current
Immigration Regime.” Law & Policy DOI: 10.1111/lapo.12030
Haruna Fukui and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2015. “Bound by Inequality: The Social Capital of Older Asian and
Latinos.” Ethnography DOI:
Cecilia Menjívar. 2015. “Law beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Borders in
an Era of Securitization.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 10: 353-369
Jennifer Arney and Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Medicalization of Emotionality in DTCA: Techniques Used to Expand the Antidepressant Market.”
Sociological Inquiry, 84 (4): 519-544
Victor Agadjanian, Evgenia Gorina, and
Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Economic Incorporation, Civil Inclusion, and Social Ties: Plans to
Return Home among Central Asian Migrant Women in Moscow, Russia.” International Migration Review, 48 (3):
(3): 577-603 *lead article
Elizabeth Aranda, Cecilia Menjívar and Katharine M. Donato. 2014. “The Spillover Consequences of an Enforcement-First
U.S. Immigration Regime.” American
Behavioral Scientist, American
Behavioral Scientist, 58 (13): 1687-1695.
Cecilia Menjívar.
2014. The “Poli-Migra”:
Multi-layered legislation, Enforcement practices, And What We Can Kearn about
and from Today’s
Approaches.” American Behavioral
Scientist, 58 (13): 1805-1819.
Silvia Dominguez and Cecilia Menjívar. 2014. “Beyond Individual and Visible Acts of
Violence: A Framework to Examine the Lives of Women in Low-Income
Neighborhoods.” Women's Studies International
Forum, 44 (1): 184-195
Carlos Santos and Cecilia Menjívar.
2013. “Youth’s Perspective on Senate Bill 1070 in
Arizona: The Socio-economic Effects of Immigration Policy.” Association of Mexican-American Educators
(AMAE) Journal, Special invited issue, 7 (2):
7-17 *lead article
Cecilia Menjívar. 2013. “Central American Immigrant Workers and
Legal Violence in Phoenix, Arizona.” Latino Studies, 11 (2): 228-252
Zeynep Kilic and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2013. “Fluid
Adaptation of Contested Identities: Second Generation Turks in Germany and the
United States.” Social Identities, 19
(2): 204-220
Tanya Golash-Boza and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Causes and Consequences of International Migration: Sociological
Evidence for the Right to Mobility.” International
Journal of Human Rights, 16 (8): 1213-1227
Cecilia Menjívar and Leisy J. Abrego. 2012.
“Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants.”
American Journal of Sociology, 117 (5): 1380-1421
Best Article
Award, Latino/a Section, American Sociological Association, 2014
Best Article
Award, Latino Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association 2013
Spanish translation:
“Violencia Legal: Ley de inmigración y las vidas de los migrantes
centroamericanos,” en Visiones de
Acá y de Allá: Implicaciones de la política migratoria en comunidades de
origen Mexicano y Latino de los Estados Unidos y México,”
edited by Carlos
Vélez-Ibáñez, Roberto Sánchez and Mariángela
Rodríguez Nicholls. México
D.F.: Editorial Porrúa.
Olivia Salcido and Cecilia Menjívar.
2012. “Gendered Paths to Legal Citizenship: The Case
of Latin-American Immigrants in Phoenix.” Law
& Society Review 46 (2): 335-369.
Nels Paulson and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2012.
“Religion, the State, and Disaster Relief in the United States and India.” International Journal of Sociology and
Social Policy,
32 (3-4): 179-196.
Aysem R. Şenyürekli and Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Turkish Immigrants’ Hopes and Fears Around
Return Migration.” International
Migration, 50 (1): 3-19 (*lead article)
Cecilia Menjívar. 2012. “Transnational
Parenting and Immigration Law: The Case of Central Americans in the United
States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, 38 (2): 301-322
Jørgen Carling, Cecilia
Menjívar, and Leah Schmalzbauer. 2012. “Central Themes in the Study of Transnational Parenthood.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
38 (2): 191-217
Cecilia Menjívar. 2011. “The Power of the
Law: Central Americans’ Legality and Everyday Life in Phoenix, Arizona.” Latino Studies, 9 (4): 377-395 (*lead
Victor Agadjanian and Cecilia Menjívar. 2011.
“Fighting Down the Scourge, Building up the Church:
Organizational Constraints in Religious Involvement with HIV/AIDS in
Mozambique.” Global Public Health, 6
(2): S148-S162
Leisy Abrego and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2011. “Immigrant Latina Mothers as Targets of Legal
Violence.” International Journal of
Sociology of the Family, 37 (1): 9-26 (*lead article)
Sean McKenzie and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2011.
“The Meanings of Migration, Remittances, and Gifts: The views of Honduran Women
Who Stay.” Global Networks: a Journal of
Transnational Affairs, 11 (1): 63-81.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2010. “Immigrants,
Immigration, and Sociology: Reflecting on the State of the Discipline.”
Inaugural Sociological Inquiry
Distinguished Essay, Sociological Inquiry,
80 (1): 3-26.
Lilian Chavez and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2010. “Children Without Borders: A Mapping of the
Literature on Unaccompanied Migrant Children to the United States.” Migraciones Internacionales, 5 (3):
Adrian Pantoja, Cecilia Menjívar
and Lisa Magaña. 20008. “The Spring Marches of 2006: Latinos,
Immigration, and Political Mobilization in the 21st
Century.” American Behavioral Scientist, 52 (4):
Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Corporeal Dimensions of Gender Violence:
Women’s Self and Body in Eastern Guatemala.” Studies in Social Justice, 2(1): 12-26
Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Educational Hopes, Documented Dreams:
Guatemalan and Salvadoran Immigrants’ Legality and Educational Prospects.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science, 620 (1): 177-193
Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Violence and
Women’s Lives in Eastern Guatemala: A Conceptual Framework.” Latin American Research Review 43 (3):
A version was published as “Violence
and Women’s Lives in Eastern Guatemala: A Conceptual Framework.” Women and Development Working Paper Series,
#290 (refereed), Michigan State University.
Victor Agadjanian and Cecilia Menjívar. 2008. “Talking through the “Epidemic of the
Millennium”: Congregation-based informal communication about HIV/AIDS in
Mozambique.” Social Problems 55 (3): 301-321 (*lead article)
Cecilia Menjívar and
Victor Agadjanian. 2007. “Men’s Migration and Women’s Lives: Views from
Rural Armenia and Guatemala.” Social
Science Quarterly 88 (5): 1243-1262.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Public Religion and Immigration across National Borders.” American Behavioral Scientist, 49 (11):
Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Global Processes
and Local Lives: Guatemalan Women’s Work at Home and Abroad.” International Labor and Working Class
History 70 (1): 86-105.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Family
Reorganization in a Context of Legal Uncertainty: Guatemalan and Salvadoran
Immigrants in the United States.” International
Journal of Sociology of the Family (special issue on Globalization and the
Family), 32 (2): 223-245.
*Reprinted in pp. 90-114, Globalization and the Family, edited by
Nazli Kibria and Sunil Kukreja. New Delhi, India: Ashwin-Anoka Press, 2007.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2006. “Liminal Legality:
Salvadoran and Guatemalan Immigrants’ Lives in the United States.” American Journal of Sociology, 111 (4):
*Featured in Discoveries:
New and Noteworthy Social Research, as “Between ‘documented’ and
‘undocumented.’” Contexts: Understanding People in their Social Worlds, 5 (4):
8-9 (2006)
Michelle Moran-Taylor and Cecilia Menjívar. 2005. “Unpacking Notions of Return: Guatemalan and Salvadoran Migrants
in Phoenix.” International Migration, 43 (4): 91-131.
Cecilia Menjívar and Cindy Bejarano. 2004. “Latino Immigrants’ Perceptions of Crime and of Police
Authorities: A Case Study From the Phoenix
Metropolitan Area.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 27(1): 120-148.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2003. “Reflections from One Latino Field:
Notes from Research among Central Americans in the United States.” Cahiers
des Amériques Latines,
42 (1): 69-80.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2003. “Religion and Immigration in
Comparative Perspective: Salvadorans in Catholic and Evangelical Communities in
San Francisco, Phoenix, and Washington D.C.” Sociology of Religion, 64
(1): 21-45.
٭Featured in Discoveries: New and Noteworthy Social Research, as
“Different Paths to Americanism,” Contexts: Understanding People in their
Social Worlds, 3 (2): 9 (2004)
Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “Structural Changes and Gender Relations in Latin America and
the Caribbean.” Journal of Developing Societies, 18 (2-3): 1-10.
Cecilia Menjívar and Sang Kil. 2002. “For
Their Own Good: Benevolent Rhetoric and Exclusionary Language in Public
Officials’ Discourse on Immigrant-related Issues” Social Justice, 29(1-2):
Cecilia Menjívar and Olivia Salcido. 2002. “Immigrant Women and Domestic Violence: Common Experiences in
Different Countries.” Gender & Society, 16 (6): 898-920.
in pp. 123-136, Gender
Through the Prism of Difference, edited by Maxine
Baca Zinn, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo and Michael A. Messner.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 (3rd edition).
Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “The Ties that
Heal: Guatemalan Immigrant Women’s Networks and Medical Treatment.” International
Migration Review, 36 (2): 437-466.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2002. “Living in two worlds?: Guatemalan-origin children in the United States and
emerging transnationalism.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28
(3): 531-552.
Cecilia Menjívar. 2001. “Latino Immigrants
and Their Perceptions of Religious Institutions: Cubans, Salvadorans, and
Guatemalans in Phoenix, AZ.” Migraciones Internacionales 1 (1): 65-88. (Invited, refereed article for inaugural issue.)
Emily Skop and Cecilia
Menjívar. 2001.
“Phoenix: The Newest Latino Immigrant Gateway?” Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook, 63: 63-76.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1999. “Religious Institutions and Transnationalism:
A Case Study of Catholic and Evangelical Salvadoran Immigrants.” International Journal of Politics, Culture
and Society, 12 (4): 589-612.
*Translated into Spanish and published in Istmo:
Revista Virtual de Estudios Literarios
y Culturales Centroamericanos,
Vol. 8, 2004.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1999. “The Intersection
of Work and Gender: Central American Immigrant Women and Employment in
California.” American Behavioral Scientist,
42(4): 595-621.
* Reprinted in pp. 101-126,
Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends, edited by Pierrette
Hondagneu-Sotelo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
Menjívar, Julie Davanzo, Lisa Greenwell, and R. Burciaga Valdez. 1998. “Remittance Behavior of Filipino and Salvadoran Immigrants in Los
Angeles.” International Migration Review,
32 (1): 99-128.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1997. “Immigrant Kinship
Networks and the Impact of the Receiving Context: Salvadorans in San Francisco
in the early 1990s.” Social Problems, 44 (1): 104-123.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1997. “Immigrant Kinship
Networks: The Case of Vietnamese, Salvadoreans, and
Mexicans in Comparative Perspective” Journal
of Comparative Family Studies, 28 (1): 1-24. (*lead article)
Cecilia Menjívar. 1996. “Continiudad, transformación o ruptura?: las experiencias de refugiadas salvadoreñas en Estados
Unidos” Revista Mundial de Sociología
2: 51-84.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1995. “Kinship Networks
Among Recent Immigrants: Lessons from a Qualitative Comparative Approach” International Journal of Comparative
Sociology, 36 (3-4): 97-109.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1995. “Immigrant Social
Networks: Implications and Lessons for Policy.” Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy 8: 35-59.
Cecilia Menjívar. 1994. “Salvadorean Migration to the United States in the 1980s: What Can We Learn About it and From it?” International
Migration 32 (3): 371-401. (*lead article)
Cecilia Menjívar. 1993. “History, Economy, and
Politics: Macro and Micro-level Factors in Recent Salvadorean
Migration to the United States.” Journal
of Refugee Studies 6 (4): 350-371.