Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project:

Archaeological Data

This page will contain links to archaeological data on Calixtlahuaca.

1. Data from García Payon's excavations:

Smith, Michael E.
2003 Postclassic Urbanism at Calixtlahuaca: Reconstructing the Unpublished Excavations of José García Payón. Report to the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. Posted on the internet.

Smith, Michael E., Jennifer Wharton, and Melissa McCarron
2003 Las ofrendas de Calixtlahuaca. Expresión Antropológica 19:35-53

Classic Period ceramic vessels from García Payón's excavations.

2. Data from the ASU Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project:

Smith, Michael E. (editor)
2006 Calixtlahuaca, organización de un centro urbano posclásico: Informe Técnico Parcial, temporada de 2006. Report submitted to the Consejo de Arqueología, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Histori

Stay tuned for project data at a later date.

3. Other Data on Calixtlahuaca:

Artifacts at the Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History (Enter Calixtlahuaca under "Locality")

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