by Dr. Michael E. Smith
Professor of Anthropology, University at Albany, State University of
New York
Welcome to
the Tlahuica Culture home page. The Tlahuica were one of the Aztec
peoples of central Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest (AD
1521). The Tlahuica lived in the area that is now the state of Morelos.
Their largest city, Cuauhnahuac, was renamed Cuernavaca by the
Spaniards (who could not pronounce the original Nahuatl name).
Because history is written by the victors, most
surviving historical documents on the Aztecs describe the Mexica of the
Valley of Mexico who conquered the Tlahuica and other groups.
On the other hand,
archaeological sites of the Tlahuica have fared better over the
centuries than those of the Mexica, largely because Morelos is less
heavily populated (and less urbanized and industrialized) than the
Valley of Mexico. For this reason, archaeologists are finding that
Tlahuica sites in Morelos provide some of the best evidence for Aztec
life and culture.
This web site and associated links a provide
information on the little-known Tlahuica culture of Morelos. Many of
the links point to current and recent research carried out by Dr.
Michael E. Smith and his students at the University at Albany (State
University of New York).
This web site has been given several awards, including
the Four-Star Award for Web Site Excellence in Anthropology by Vee Ring
Ltd, and the "Best of the Net" award, Archaeology category, for
September, 1997, by The Mining Company. Click on the graphics for more
information about these awards.
Please explore the following links:
- Tlahuica Ruins:
- Tlahuica archaeological sites that can be visited
- Tlahuica Peoples:
- Historical information on the Tlahuica peoples.
- Yautepec, a Tlahuica City:
- Recent excavations at the Tlahuica city of
- Rural Tlahuica Sites
- Excavations at the rural Tlahuica sites of
Cuexcomate and Capilco.
- Bibliography on the Aztecs
- A bibliography of books about the Aztecs
- Michael E. Smith's Home Page
- Information about research and publications.
Information on my excavations at
Tlahuica sites in Morelos can be found in:
Scientific American, September 1997, pp. 76-83,
"Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empire" by Michael E. Smith.
Archaeology Ring site is owned by Michael E. Smith.
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© 1997, Michael E. Smith (updated 10/30/03)