This is the website for HPS 322 (line no. 80304)
of Science (Greek Antiquity through
17th Century)
Fall semester 2013
It meets 3:00-4:15 p.m., TuTh
in Discovery Hall (old agriculture building) 350
The instructor is Professor Michael J. White
Instructor’s Offices:
Armstrong Hall 211 (law school) &
LSC (Life Sciences C-Wing) 248 (SoLS)
Tels. (480) 965-0105 (law); 965-0219 (SoLS)
Office Hours: M 4:00-5:30 p.m. (LSC 248); W 4:00-5:30 p.m.
(Armstrong 211):
TuTh 10:30-11:30 a.m. (Armstrong 211);
and by appointment.
1. Syllabus
3. Some
paradoxes associated with Zeno of Elea
4. Incommensurability of side and
diagonal of a square
5. Some propositions about Plato
6. Some propositions about Aristotle
7. Some propositions about ancient Greek
8. ‘Beginning ancient astronomy’: Mr. LaTourelle’s PowerPoint slides
9. The ‘Delian Problem’; and Menaechmus’
(geometrical) solution to it
10. Some of the major players in ancient (‘Western’) astronomy
11. The celestial sphere with ecliptic;
the zodiac
12. Two
systems of stellar coordinates
13. Tropical (solar) year vs. sidereal
(stellar) year & precession of the equinoxes
14. Equivalence of method of
eccentrics and of deferents and epicycles (due to
15. Trigonometric
identities in antiquity
16. Ancient
techniques of terrestrial and celestial mensuration (Eratosthenes and
Absolute distances from earth to moon and
to sun (Aristarchus)
17. Cicero: ‘The dream of Scipio’ (‘popular’ ancient
cosmology/celestial mechanics)
18. Aristotle on
‘mathematical principles’ of
(terrestrial) local motion (from Aristotle, Physics, Book 7, ch.
19. Aristotle
on the problem of projectile motion (from Aristotle, Physics, Book 8, ch. 10)
20. Refresher on principles of projectile motion
in ‘classical modern’ (‘Newtonian’) physics
21. Study guide for midterm
22. Archimedes
on the (discovery of) the volume of a sphere
23. Selection from Archimedes’ On the Equilibrium of Planes/The
Centers of Gravity of Planes; Archimedes’ ‘proof’ of law of the lever and Ernst
Mach’s criticism of it
24. The ancient, so-called Method of Exhaustion
25. A very few historical notes on a long period of
26. 14th
century developments in natural philosophy/science
27. Some ‘mean-value’
28. Selections from Oresme’s
Le livre du ciel et du monde
29. Summary/conclusion of Oresme’s
Tractatus de commensurabilitate
vel incommensurabilitate motuum caeli
30. Grade
distribution for midterm exam
31. Some notes
on Copernicus
32. Extra
credit problem—solution
33. On the aftermath of Copernicanism
34. Dates of adoption of Gregorian calendar
35. On the use of stellar parallax
36. The Tychonic model of the universe
37. Some notes on Kepler
39. Some notes
on Galileo
40. Excerpt from Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two
Chief World Systems (1632); excerpt from Galileo’s Discourses and Mathematical
Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences (1638).
41. Some notes on Descartes
42. Descartes’ vs.
Newton’s Laws of Motion
42. Huygens on the quantitative analysis of centrifugal
force; a
refresher on the treatment of
centripetal/centrifugal force in classical (‘Newtonian’) mechanics
43. Some notes on Gassendi
and Boyle and the ‘mechanical philosophy’
44. Some notes
on Newton
45. Newton’s ‘laws’/axioms and 1st
theorem from the Principia
46. Newton on absolute space: his bucket
experiment; Ernst
Mach’s criticism of Newton’s bucket experiment
47. Study
guide for final examination