This is the website for LAW 692 (line no. 75693)/HON
494 (88482)
Traditions of Jurisprudence
Fall semester 2013
It meets 1:30-2:55 p.m., MW in Armstrong Hall
The instructor is Professor Michael J. White
Instructor’s Offices:
Armstrong Hall 211 (law school) &
LSC (Life Sciences C-Wing) 248 (SoLS)
Tels. (480) 965-0105 (law); 965-0219 (SoLS)
Office Hours: M 4:00-5:30 p.m. (LSC 248); W 4:00-5:30 p.m.
(Armstrong 211):
TuTh 10:30-11:30 a.m. (Armstrong 211);
and by appointment.
1. Syllabus
2. Conceptions of the purpose of law
3. Plato, Minos;
Plato, Laws, Book I; Plato, Laws, Book IV
4. Aristotle, part
of Nicomachean Ethics, Books I & II; part of Nicomachean
Ethics, Book X and Politics, Book I
5. Aristotle
and natural law handout
6. Some notes on
7. Brief selections from (a) introduction to and
text of Cicero’s De finibus
bonorum et malorum and
(b) from the text of Cicero’s De officiis.
8. Some notes
on Roman law
9. Some selections
from Alan Watson, The Spirit of Roman Law
10. Some selections from
Justinian’s Institutes
11. Optional Take-Home Midterm Examination
12. Some notes
on the jurisprudence of St. Thomas Aquinas
13. Selections from Marsilius of
Padua, Defensor pacis
14. Some notes on Marsilius
of Padua
15. Some notes on the source of
political (and legal) authority (Renaissance & early Modern period
16. Some notes on the political theory
& jurisprudence of Thomas Hobbes
17. Some notes
on Samuel Pufendorf
18. Take-Home Final Examination
19. Some selections from
Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of
England (link to missing pages 30-31
from the preceding selection).
20. Some notes
on Blackstone
21. Some notes
on John Austin