Is dynamics the content of a generalized motor program for rhythmic interlimb coordination?

Polemnia G. Amazeen

In three experiments, the author tested the hypothesis that coordination dynamics is the content of a generalized motor program (GMP) for rhythmic interlimb coordination. In Experiment 1, learners (N = 14) practiced a -90°movement with either identically timed or differently timed limbs. Both acquisition and transfer to novel (effector and pattern) timings were unaffected by the learning condition and were suggestive of the intrinsic dynamics for in-phase and antiphase. In Experiment 2, learners’ (N = 13) acquisition of 2 different phase relations (-90° and -45°) was qualitatively identical. Attractor reconstruction revealed an increase in the predictability of individual movement trajectories and a decrease in attractor dimensionality over learning. Transfer for both -90°and -45° was again suggestive of the intrinsic dynamics. In Experiment 3, learning altered participants’ (N = 8) performance of in-phase and antiphase relations. Together, the results suggested a single continuum of phase relations, called an attractor landscape, that produces similar patterns of CE and VE for both previously stable and learned coordinations.

Abstract from:

Amazeen, P. G. (2002). Is dynamics the content of a generalized motor program for rhythmic interlimb coordination? Journal of Motor Behavior, 34, 233-251.

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