August 11, 1999 .... (retyped by Nancy Lee for posting, names/ID’s edited, on 9/1/99)

Arizona Department of Insurance
Attn: (supervisor), Healthcare Appeals Section
Life and Health Division
2910 N. 44th Street #210
Phoenix, AZ 85018-7257
FAX: (602) 912-8453

Re: Patient: Nancy R. Lee
Policy: Member ID#: (xxxxxxxxxx)
Group: (xxxxxxxxx)

Dear Mr. (appeals supervisor):

I am writing to appeal Intergroup’s denial of my request for a referral to Scottsdale Healthcare/Scottsdale Medical Imaging for Uterine Artery Embolization to treat symptoms arising from uterine fibroids. The denial is dated July 27, 1999 and was received via fax on August 2, 1999. According to the letter of denial, Uterine Artery Embolization/Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UAE/UFE) is regarded by Intergroup - or rather, its parent company in California, Foundation Health Systems - to be an “experimental/investigational procedure”.

I’m enclosing two attachments with this letter, one entitled “What they say”, which is a rebuttal to specific points made in Foundation Health System’s position statement on uterine artery embolization, and one entitled “What they don’t say”, which attempts to address significant issues omitted from FHS’s position statement.

Thanks for your time and kindness on the phone. The process and duration of this appeal has been a disillusioning, not to mention physically painful experience, so I appreciate any interest and compassion that comes my way.

Sincerely yours,
Nancy R. Lee

Attachments (2): “What they say”, What they don’t say”