Natalia Kovrijnykh

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Peer-Reviewed Publications:

"Is There Too Much Benchmarking in Asset Management?" 2023, Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova, American Economic Review,  113(4): 1112-1141.
NBER working paper version

"The Benchmark Inclusion Subsidy," 2021, with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova,  Journal of Financial Economics, 142:756-774.
Vox column

"Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation, and Bankruptcy," 2017, with Igor Livshits, International Economic Review, 58: 499-527.

"Delegated Information Acquisition with Moral Hazard," 2016, with Hector Chade,
Journal of Economic Theory,
162: 55-92.
Online Appendix

"Who Should Pay for Credit Ratings and How?" 2016, with Anil Kashyap,
Review of Financial Studies
, 29(2): 420-456.

"Debt Contracts with Partial Commitment," 2013,
American Economic Review,
103(7): 2848-2874.
Online Appendix

"Equilibrium Default Cycles," 2007, with Balazs Szentes,
Journal of Political Economy, 115(3): 403-446. 

Papers with Revisions Requested:

"Building Credit Histories," with Igor Livshits and Ariel Zetlin-Jones, revise and resubmit at Review of Economic Studies; online Appendix

Selected Work in Progress:

"Designing Sustainable Benchmarks," with Anil Kashyap and Anna Pavlova; slides

"Prices in Incentive Constraints," with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova

"Swing Pricing," with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova; slides
"Implications of Eviction Enforcement for Household Formation and Home-Ownership," with Igor Livshits and Jacob Shepard

Old Working Papers:

"Specialization under Uncertainty," 2004, with Andrei Kovrijnykh