Peter Goggin

Department of English
Arizona State University
Box 871401
Tempe, AZ 85287-1401
Phone: (480)965-7748
Fax: (480)965-3451

Office: RBH 343


Associate Professor Rhetoric and Composition - Arizona State University. Dept. of English
PhD Rhetoric and Linguistics IUP
Director - Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference

Affiliate faculty: School for the Future Innovation In Society
Sustainability Scientist/Scholar: ASU Global Institute of Sustainability
Research and Teaching Specializations: Environmental Rhetoric; Environmental Humanities; Islands;
Theories of Literacy; Sustainability; Computers and Writing

Spring 2020
ENG 369 Red Mirror: The Literature of Mars
ENG 393 Theories of Literacy

Past Courses
ENG 655 Environmental Rhetoric & Ecological Literacy
ENG 655 Disciplinary Discourses: Advanced Literacy, Technology, Power
ENG 654 Environmental Rhetoric & Ecological Literacy
ENG 654 Environmental Rhetoric: Writing the Earth
ENG 654 Rhetorics and Literacies of Sustainability
ENG 604 Intercultural Disciplinary Studies: Islands
ENG 594 New Teaching Assistants Orientation & Seminar
ENG 556 Theories of Literacy
ENG 552 Composition Studies
ENG 500 Research Methods (Rhetoric and Composition)
ENG 394/SOS 394 Constructing the Future

ENG 294 English Studies and the Environment
ENG 215 Strategies of Academic Writing
ENG 194 Learning Communities Writing: Culture and Sustainability
ENG 101 First Year Writing: Culture and Sustainability
Site updated at the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester

Teaching Philosophy