
October 21-22, 2011
Arizona State University Memorial Union, Tempe.


8:30-9:00 Coffee MU 202 Alumni Lounge

9:00-10:15 Welcome and Keynote MU 202 Alumni Lounge

“Putting Literacy in its Place” Kim Donehower, University of North Dakota


Ia: Women’s Places, Women’s Voices MU 224 Gila
“‘She touches nothing that she does not adorn’: Edna Sutherland and Public Speaking in Manitoba’s Universities” Judith Kearns, University of Winnipeg
“Suturing Adversity: The Role of Place and Meaning Making in Women’s Needlework” Maureen Daly Goggin, Arizona State University
“Sticks and Stones May Break Bones But Naming Can Cause Far Greater Damage” Judy Holiday, Arizona State University
Chair: Jennifer Russum, Arizona State University

Ib: Critical Economics and Teaching Writing MU 225 Yuma
“Why We’re Stuck in the Place We’re in: The Economics of Current-Traditionalism and the Maintenance of the Status Quo” William H. Thelin, The University of Akron
“Connecting Places of Literacy: A ‘Funds of Knowledge’ Approach to First-Year Writing” Stephanie Merz, University of Arizona
“Unearthing Presuppositions and Building Bridges: The How and Why of CDA in FYC” Fiona Harris Ramsby, University of Utah
Chair: Wendy King, Arizona State University

Ic: Energy and Environmental Narratives MU 226 Graham
“Metanarrative Discord: A Clash between Governments, Conservationists, and the Rural Public in South Carolina” Emily Cooney, Arizona State University
“Imagining Civilization Anew: How Global Warming Essays Seek to Spark Visionary Survivalist Exigencies” Gerri McNenny, Chapman University
“The Place of Clean Coal” Brad Benz, University of Denver
Chair: Kyndra Turner, Arizona State University

Id: The Places and Non-places of Neoliberal Rhetoric: Affect, Financial Literacy, and the New University MU 227 Pinal
“Affect and Neoliberalism: A Rhetorical Methodology for Exploring Contemporary Culture” Catherine Chaput, University of Nevada, Reno
“‘Flunking’ at Finance: Rhetorics of Ignorance in America’s Newest Literacy Crisis” Crystal Colombini, University of Nevada, Reno
“‘The College of 2020’: The Rhetoric of Disembodied Labor in Dematerialized Universities” MJ Braun, University of North Carolina, Pembroke
Chair: Megan Davis, Arizona State University

Ie: Expanding the Place of Writing: Composing in Digital Spaces and Engaging Online Communities MU 229 Santa Cruz
“The Spatiality of Relationship: Problematizing Progress in Digital Places” Londie T. Martin, University of Arizona
 “Risky Writing: Wikipedia as a Digital Writing Space” Jennifer Haley-Brown, University of Arizona
“It’s Easy to Volunteer‟: A Place-Based Analysis of Virtual Service” Ashley J. Holmes, University of Arizona
Chair: Tanita Saenkhum, Arizona State University

Lunch Break noon-1:30

Special WSRL Event: Writing Programs Lunch Oct 21 noon-1:30 at MU Engrained cafe: How 'Place' Affects the Ways We Talk About, Teach, and Situate Writing


IIa: The Narrative Landscape MU 224 Gila
“Storytelling for Sustainability in the Great Plains” Justin Sikes, Arizona State University
“Erasing Place While Staying in Place: Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution as Anti-Slavery Rhetoric from Shrewsbury” Keith Miller, Arizona State University
“Ecospeak and National Geographic Magazine: A Study of Environmental Dichotomy” Garrett Stack, San Diego State University
Chair: Kathleen Hicks, Arizona State University

IIb: Composition and Advocacy MU 225 Yuma
“From the Countryside to Composition: An Investigation of Rural Literacy and Its Impact on University Students” Marisa Sandoval, University of Arizona
“Nonprofit Organizations and the Professional Writing Classroom: Promoting Social Consciousness and Real-World Writing” Tiffany Bourelle, Arizona State University
“The Place of Advocacy and Argument Literacy: Find It, Feed It, Flaunt It” Chris Burnham & Patti Wojahn, New Mexico State University
Chair: Maureen Mathison, University of Utah

IIc: Identity and Place in Native American Cultures MU 226 Graham
“Mapping Rhetorical Frontiers: Rhetorics of Place in Helen Hunt Jackson’s Ramona” Rosalyn Eves, Southern Utah University
“Embracing Difference:  Identity Transformation and the Tóhajiilee Band of the Navajo” Sally Said, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio
“Speaking Place, Saving Place” Deborah Williams, Arizona State University
Chair: Meredith Moss, Arizona State University

IId: Getting Outside of the Classroom MU 227 Pinal
“Writing [Y]Our City: Seeing, Changing, Keeping” Jaqueline McLeod Rogers, University of Winnipeg
“Teaching the Rhetoric of Public Space: Street Art, Graffiti, Architecture, and Music” Lauren Goldstein, New Mexico State University
Chair: Richard Hart, Arizona State University

IIe: Rhetorics of Sustainability, Reciprocity, and Stasis: Writing Centers as Social Space MU 229 Santa Cruz
Sarah E. Harris, Erica Cirillo-McCarthy, Crystal Fodrey, University of Arizona
Chair: Alana Brussin, Arizona State University

IIf: Identity Places/Constructed Spaces: Fluid and Tactically Contested Boundaries MU 223 Yavapai
“Constructing Discourse/Constructing Gamespace” Cindy Tekobbe Cowles, Arizona State University
“Mormon Mommy Blogs: Sites of Deeply Lived Faith and also Resistance" Emily Hooper, Arizona State University
“Rhetorical Practices/Subversive Spaces: Graffiti and the Reclaiming of a Politically Privatized Public Sphere” Veronica Oliver, Arizona State University
Chair: Christina Saidy, Arizona State University


IIIa: Knowledge on Location MU 224 Gila
“Space, Place, and Memorialization:  Sites of Memory, Disposability and Activism in Post-Katrina New Orleans” Celeste Ann Delrusso, University of Arizona
“Putting Culture in its Place--Museums, Rhetoric, and the Writing Class” LauraAnne Carroll-Adler, University of Southern California
“On Location: Using Place-Based Tropes and Topoi to Construct Ethical Practice in Accounts of Archival Research” Shirley K Rose, Arizona State University
Chair: Paris Masek, Arizona State University

IIIb: Images and Visions of Place MU 225 Yuma
“‘My Normal Approach Is Useless Here’: xkcd and the Digital Reimagination of Science/Humanities Binaries” Doug Downs & ZuZu Feder, Montana State University
“Rhetorics of No-Place: Stories and Images of Urban Homelessness” Cynthia J. Miller, Emerson College
“Observing Place or Strolling Space?: The Potentials of ‘Strolling’ as an Analytical Practice” Jenna Vinson, University of Arizona
Chair: Brent Chappelow, Arizona State University

IIIc: All Consuming Workplaces MU 226 Graham
“Flash Documentation and the Appropriation of ‘Workplace’ Genres for Regenerative Living, Social Justice, and Community Resiliency” Nicole R. Brown & Jeff Fitzgerald, Western Washington University
“Eco-consumers? The Rhetoric of Sustainable Consumption” Lonni Pearce, University of Colorado at Boulder
“Is There a Place for “Place” in the Writing of Business Students’ Perspectives?” Maureen Mathison & Natalie Stillman-Webb, University of Utah
Chair: Patti Wojahn, New Mexico State University

IIId: Ecocomposition and Sustainability MU 227 Pinal
“‘Space Has Always Reduced Me to Silence’: Ecocomposition and a Poetics of Sustainability” Ginger Knowlton, University of Colorado, Boulder
“The Campus Green: Writing Toward Sustainability” Heather Martin, University of Denver
“It’s More Than a Tree: Place and Ecocomposition” Arlene Plevin, Olympic College, WA
Chair: Peter Goggin, Arizona State University

IIIe: Fan Compositions, Wikipedia, and Gaming: Exploring the Materiality of Collaboration in User-Desired Spaces MU 229 Santa Cruz
“‘One More Dance with the Devil’: The Monstrous Rhetoric of Fan Compositions” Sara K. Howe, University of Arizona
“Virtual Materiality: The User, Technology and the ‘Third Space’” Kate Chaterdon, University of Arizona
“Materializing Game Play in Pedagogical Practices” Antonnet Johnson, University of Arizona
Chair: James Neel, Arizona State University

IIIf: Common, All Too Common: Rhetorical Implications of Non-Places MU 223 Yavapai
”Digital Space as Non-Place: The Transformation of the Local in Popular Music” Byron Hawk, University of South Carolina
“‘Have It Your Way’: Doxa and the Neurorhetorics of Non-Place” Christian Smith, University of South Carolina
“Time House: Temporal Abundance, Non-Places, and Rhetoric” Casey Boyle, University of Utah
Chair: Alison Sutherland, Arizona State University


9:00 Coffee MU 223 Yavapai


IVa: Feminism and the Public Sphere MU 206 Copper
“Spirit-Worlds: Transformation and Representation in Feminist Historiography and Popular Culture” Elizabeth Lowry, Arizona State University
“Performance as a Transnational Rhetorical Device: The Topos of Place within the Miss-Gambia-USA Beauty Pageant” Elenore Long, Arizona State University
Chair: Susan Davis, Arizona State University

IVb: Rhetorical Theory: From Plato to Palin MU 208 Chrysocolla
“Sarah Palin and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: The Place of Female Rhetors within the Apologia Genre” Meghan Sweeney, University of Nevada, Reno
“The Rhetoric of Chora: Commemorations at Two Civil War Prison Memory Places” Elizabethada A. Wright, Rivier College, NH
Chair: Maureen Daly Goggin, Arizona State University

IVc: Negotiating Identity and Personal Spaces Online MU 225 Yuma
“The ‘My Online Friends’ Discussion Board: A Place for Negotiating the Divide between Liberal and Religious Rhetoric” Catherine Matthews Pavia, Arizona State University
“Blurring the Boundaries: Embodiment as a Compound Phenomenon in World of Warcraft” Jeff Holmes, Arizona State University
“Defining Online Anonymous Identity: a Content Analysis of” Dawn M. Armfield, University of Minnesota
Chair: Nicole Pfannenstiel, Arizona State University

IVd: Immigration, Citizenship, and Statehood MU 227 Pinal
“Irish Diaspora and Identities of Place: A Discourse-Historical Analysis of The Toronto Globe and Mail” Jennifer Clary-Lemon, University of Winnipeg
“The Plan of Chicago: Envisioning Citizenship at the Turn of the Century” Julian Chambliss & Martha S. Cheng, Rollins College, Florida
Sí, Se Habla Español Aquí : University of New Mexico Students and the Battle for Statehood” Elizabeth Leahy, University of Arizona
Chair: Yazmin Lazcano-Pry, Arizona State University

IVe: Commonplaces and Common Spaces: Reinventing the Familiar in Our Institutions, Disciplines, and Classrooms MU 229 Santa Cruz
“What Has Been Lost in the Race to Win? Reasserting Higher Education’s Place as Public Sphere” Daylanne J. Markwardt, University of Arizona
“Desks, Discussions, and Black Letters on White Paper: Rethinking Loci Communis, Topoi, and Neurotypicality in the College Composition Classroom” Denise Barnum Burgess, University of Arizona
Chair: Andrea Lewis, Arizona State University

IVf: Pulling Out All The Stops: Journeys in Musical Diaspora MU 238 Apache
“Being Placed (Not!): 1970s Pop and the Cadence of Small Town Life” Sarah J. Arroyo, California State University Long Beach
“Turning On and Tuning In: Expatriating Place from the Parisian Salons to the Sunset Strip.” Geoffrey V. Carter, Saginaw Valley State University
“Some Way Out of Here/I’m Not There/Rhetoric as Displacement” Geoffrey Sirc, University of Minnesota
Chair: Kirk Branch, Montana State University


Va: Places of Resistance MU 206 Copper
“Constructing Insanity: Mental Illness at the Intersection of Medicine and Law” Andrea Lewis, Arizona State University
“Abd al-Qahir Al-Jurjani and Rawiyya: The Place of the Middle East in the Rhetorical Tradition” James Beasley, University of North Florida
“Rethinking Rhetoric in Bodily Terms: A Study of Bodies, Space, and the (Re) Construction of Ideologies in Capoeira” Marissa M. Juárez, University of Arizona
Chair: Jennifer Clary-Lemon, University of Winnipeg

Vb: Fostering (and Sponsoring) Literacy MU 208 Crysocholla
“Place as Literacy Sponsor: Tales of Owning, Becoming and Crafting in the Writing Classroom” Rebecca Powell, New Mexico State University
“Overcoming the Fear of Literacy: Why Place Matters” Kirk Branch, Montana State University
Chair: Joseph Mambu, Arizona State University

Vc: Putting Whitman, Melville, and Stein in their Places MU 225 Yuma
“Walt Whitman and Future Places” Michael LaTorra, New Mexico State University
“The ‘Language Problem:’ Seeking an Environmental Discourse” Dylan Medina, Western Washington University
“Topoi of Memory: Gertrude Stein’s Geographical History of America” Sharon J. Kirsch, Arizona State University
Chair: Shannon Lujan, Arizona State University

Vd: Sporting Places MU 227 Pinal
“Conflicting Power Narratives of Antebellum South at the Kentucky Derby: A Rhetorical Analysis of Churchill Downs Racetrack” Bridget Malaney, San Diego State University
“Transnational Feminist Rhetorics and Global Sportscapes: Politics of Difference and Identity in the ‘Women’s International Sport Movement’” Cassie Wright, University of Arizona
“Baseball as a Rhetorical Space: Korea, Japan and the ‘Negotiation’ of Colonial Tension” Jerry W. Lee, University of Arizona
Chair: Scott Smith, Arizona State University

Ve: Establishing Place in Blackboard MU 229 Santa Cruz
Nicole Pfannenstiel, Brent Chappelow, Ryan Shepherd, Arizona State University
Chair: Alice Daer, Arizona State University

Vf: People, Places, and Multiple Literacies MU 238 Apache
“Literacy Sponsorship and the Development of Multiple Literacies in the Lives of ‘Local Valley’ People” Regina Clemens Fox, Oklahoma City University & Gavin Whiting, Utah Valley University
“Whiteness Taking Place: Towards a Theory of Racial Posture” Michael Stancliff, Arizona State University
Chair: Margaret Munson, Arizona State University

There are no fees required to attend and participate in this conference

For more information about the conference contact:
Peter Goggin - goggin1[at]

or visit our website: