Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference 2005
University of San Francisco

Session I

Friday, October 21 @ 1:30PM
Placing Rhetoric in Discourses of Ethnicity
§       Robin Somers: “An All-American Indian Pedagogy for English 1A: What Compositionists Can Learn from Indian Colleges”
§       Stephanie Pantirer: “Behind the Rhetoric of Commercial Advertising: ‘Boost Mobile’ and the Meaning of Blackness”
§       Lisa Thornhill: “Exploring the Dynamics of Transculturational Practices: An Analysis of the Rhetorical Interactions of Language Contact Texts”
Cyberplaces of Rhetoric
§       Gae Lyn Henderson: “The Place of Rhetoric: Teaching a Relationship-Based Electronic Communication”
§       Melanie Kill: “Linking Sites and Rhetorics: Teaching a Rhetorical Approach to Web Design”
§       Mary Queen: “Fantasies of Representation: Fields of Rhetorical Action in Cyberspace”
The Places of Rhetoric in Society
§       Georgie Miller: “Vibrators and Vilification: The Rhetoric of Hysteria”
§       Jill McCracken: “Listening to the Language of Sex Workers: A Rhetorical and Ideological Analysis of Representations of Sex Workers”
§       Daylyn Luedtke: “Pornography and Mainstream Media: Rhetorics of Control and Excitement in Primetime”
Rhetoric(s) of Resistance/Formations of Identity: The Tactic of (dis)Covering Private Discourse (Part I)
§       Sonia Apgar Begert: “Rhetoric(s) of Resistance/Formations of Identity: Contestatory Tactics of (dis)Covering Private Discourse”
§       Meredith Lee: “The Rhetoric of School as Family: Kû ‘ê i ka Hewa”
§       Lori Vail: “Stripped of Their Stripes: When Military Discourses Meet the Academy

Session II

Friday, October 21 @ 3:15PM
Places of Rhetorical Preservation
§       Rebecca DaPra: “The ‘Place’ of Entertaining and Gender: The Rhetorical Making of Habitus in American Cookbooks in the Age of the Feminine Mystique”
§       James P. Beasley: “The Archive and the Illusion of Rhetorical Space”
§       Alexis E. Ramsey: “Archive-as-Rhetoric”
Expanding Our Sense of Place
§       Katherine Mack: “One ‘Place’ of Rhetoric in the New South Africa: The Rhetorics of Reconciliation in Post Truth and Reconciliation Literature”
§       Sally E. Said: “Speaking to Recreate a World: Thailand after the Tsunami”
Literacy, Technology and Professional Writing: Everybody Needs Rhetoric
§       Nancy Barron, Sibylle Gruber and Paul Walker
Rhetoric(s) of Resistance/Formations of Identity: The Tactic of (dis)Covering Private Discourse (Part II)
§       Riki Thompson: “Something About Mary: A Case of Rhetorically Resisting [or Contesting] the Traditional Victim/Offender Relationship in Child Sexual Abuse Cases”
§       Lei Lani Michel: “Resistance Visible”
§       Catherine McDonald: “The Place of Desire: Genre Theory and Genred Identities”

Session III
Saturday, October 22 @ 9:00AM
Mapping Women, Mapping Men
§       Clifton Justice: “Bears in San Francisco: The Impact of the City’s Rhetoric on a Worldwide Community”
§       Cheryl Greene: “Bordertheories: Mapping Women Visually Across Rhetorical Divides”
§       Maureen A Mathison and Natalie Stillman Webb: “Writing in Business: Assessing Gender and Performance”
Old Rhetoric in New Bottles
§       Richard Graff: “Placing Classical Rhetoric: Early Views on the Integration of Speaking and Writing in Rhetorical Instruction”
§       Susan McDowell: “Sophistic Rhetoric and the Basic Writing Classroom: Toward a Pedagogical Framework”
§       Kristen Seas: “Through the Teeth: Enthymeme and the Rhetoric of Lying”
Three Places for Rhetoric: Curriculum, Institution and Identity
§       David Reamer: “Rhetoric and Negotiation in Curriculum Review and Redesign”
§       Erik Juergensmeyer: “Zones of Community Development: Strategies for Institutional and Community Partnerships”
§       Chiara Cannella: “Naming, Defining, and then…?: Civic Literacy as Action”
The Role of Rhetoric in the Classroom: Developing a Language and Pedagogy for Teaching Context as Part of Rhetorical Knowledge
§       Ellen Quandahl(Chair), Liane Bryson, Katie Hughes, James Towner

Session IV

Saturday, October 22 @ 10:45AM

Rhetorical Spaces in the University
§       Roy Vallis: “Disciplining the Interdisciplinary: Rhetoric and the Ethics of Composition”
§       Vivette Milson-Whyte: “(K)nots in the Field: The Tenuous Relations between Rhetoric and Composition”
§       Laura Card: “Rhetoric: A Common Language to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Conversation”
Reconsidering the Places and Spaces of Authority
§       Jaime Beatty and Anita Nordbrock: “Deterring Plagiarism: Initial Experiences with www.turnitin.com or Where Does Plagiarism Fit into Rhetoric
§       Kathleen J. Ryan and Tarez Samra Graban: “Writing Program Administration as Rhetorical Performance”
§       Stephanie Vie: “Distributed Rhetoric: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and its Place in the Composition Classroom”
Placing Rhetoric in the Real World
§       Cornelia Elizabeth Vander Hock Wells: “Hey! What Are We (Teaching) Writing For?!! Obedience Training Meets Thinking”
§       Bill Bolin and Debi Reese: “The Open Hand: Rhetoricians Explaining Rhetoric to the Masses”
§       Doug Downs: “Rhetoric in/on Our Minds: The Place of Rhetoric in Curriculum and Society”
Enduring Narrative: Rhetoric through Cultural Milieux
§       Fiona Glade (Chair)
§       John Hering: “Proper Nouns: Inclusive and Exclusive”
§       Gwen Hutchinson: “Questioning the Ethics of Rhetoric”
§       Niku Sharafeddin: “Rhetoric and Technology: An Exploration of Oppositional Forces”
§       Ronald Cruz: “Inherency: Incidental Hegemony through Standardized English

Session V

Saturday, October 22 @ 1:30PM


Ascending Places in Literacy
§       Kirk Branch: “Left Behind: Displacing Literacy in Official Educational Rhetoric
§       Stella K. Hadjistassou: “A Critical Examination of the Agendas that Dominate Literacy in English as a Second Language (ESL)”
§       Amanda Espinosa-Aguilar: “Places of Publication: Mentoring about Research and Publication”
Narrative Places in Rhetoric
§       Peter N. Goggin: “’Enjoy Illusions, Lad, and Let the Rocks be Rocks’: LeGuin’s A Wizard of Earthsea as a Spirit of Place Parable for a Rhetoric of Sustainability and Environmental Literacy”
§       David M. Rieder: “First Person Writing: Sophie Calle’s Hypertextual Exploration of Non-Place”
§       Charles A. Hill: “The Rhetoric of Reality in Fictional Narrative”
Pedagogy as the Rhetoric of the Classroom
§       Linda Brodkey (Chair), Ellen Quandahl, Holly Bauer, Carrie Wastal

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