Paul Kei Matsuda

CFP: 2008 WSRL Conference





October 23-25, 2008

Montana State University

Bozeman, Montana


2008 Conference Theme:  Cultural Rhetorics


Keynote Speaker:


Scott Richard Lyons, Syracuse University

“The Indigenous Public Intellectual and the Problem of Writing”


This conference seeks to explore acts of reading and writing as cultural rhetorics, examining how textual interpretation and production intersects with the social practices of particular historical situations.  We invite paper and panel proposals that explore this topic from a variety of perspectives, with a particular interest in cultural rhetorics that have been underrepresented within academic perspectives.


The Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference was created to allow scholars to come together and exchange current research in rhetoric and literacy studies in an intimate and informal setting. In keeping with the spirit of a small gathering, the conference will be held in a professional but relaxed atmosphere. Its goal is to address theoretical and pedagogical issues through a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives. Each year, the conference will focus on a particular theme. While we especially welcome proposals that address the theme for each particular year, we may also consider proposals that deal with other relevant topics and issues. Of particular interest are presentations that encourage audience participation and discussion, and contribute closely to the conference theme and to questions concerning aspects of the following:


Cross-cultural rhetoric

Contrastive rhetoric

Digital, visual, and material rhetoric

Pedagogies of cultural rhetorics

Rhetoric and Agency

World Englishes


Please submit:


A cover page that includes the title, speaker/s, address/es, email/s, and phone number/s, along with a brief 25-50 word description of your presentation 

4 copies of a one-page abstract (per speaker) prepared for blind review that describes the proposed talk and identifies the format for the presentation:

(a) 20 minute paper, which will be combined with similar proposals to form a 90 minute panel.

(b) 90 minute panel, limited to 3 speakers.


Please note that the Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference has a

NO MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS policy--only 1 submission per person.

Proposals must be postmarked by Friday, April 14, 2007. Please send to:


Kirk Branch

Montana State University

Department of English

P.O. Box 172300

Bozeman, MT 59717-2300


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Last update: January 6, 2008